Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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int GetDriverResourceID(iResId, lpResType)
int iResId;
LPSTR lpResType;
The GetDriverResourceID function returns the resource identifier for a given
resource type. USER calls this function before loading the icon, cursor, and
bitmap, and OEMBIN resources to let the display driver map the requested
resource to a resource that better suits the display resolution.
Display drivers that provide resources in multiple resolutions must export
the GetDriverResourceID function.
Parameter  Description
iResId     Specifies a resource identifier.
lpResType  Points to a null-terminated ASCII string specifying the name of
           the resource type. If the high word of the lpResType parameter is
           zero, the parameter is a value and not a pointer. In this case,
           the low 16 bits specifies the resource-type identifier.
Return Value
The return value is the identifier of a resource having the same type as
specified by lpResType. If the display driver has no better resource, the
return value is specified by the iResID parameter.
The export ordinal for this function is 450.
GetDriverResourceID must not attempt to map resources of different types.