Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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WORD Output(lpDestDev, OS_ROUNDRECT, 3, lpPoints, lpPPen, lpPBrush,
            lpDrawMode, lpClipRect)
LPPOINT lpPoints;
LPRECT lpClipRect;
The OS_ROUNDRECT style specifies that the Output function draws and fills a
rectangle having rounded corners. GDI calls this function when an
application calls the RoundRect function (GDI.28).
The graphics driver must support the OS_ROUNDRECT style if the CC_ROUNDRECT
value is set in the dpCurves member of the GDIINFO structure.
Parameter   Description
lpDestDev   Points to a PDEVICE or PBITMAP structure specifying the
            destination device or bitmap.
lpPoints    Points to an array of three POINT structures representing the
            corners of the rectangle and the width and height of the ellipse
            used to draw the corners.
lpPPen      Points to a PPEN structure that specifies the physical pen to
            draw the border of the rectangle.
lpPBrush    Points to a PBRUSH structure that specifies the physical brush
            to fill the rectangle.
lpDrawMode  Points to a DRAWMODE structure containing the drawing
            information to draw and fill the rectangle.
lpClipRect  Points to a RECT structure containing coordinates for the
            clipping rectangle. If the lpClipRect parameter is NULL, the
            clipping rectangle is the entire display surface.
Return Value
The return value is 1 if the function draws the figure. Otherwise, it is
zero if the function encounters an unrecoverable error. The return value is
-1 if the function cannot draw the specified figure and wants GDI to
simulate it.
The Output function fills the interior of the rectangle first, then draw the
border. Before filling and drawing, Output must subtract one from the bottom
and right coordinates. GDI requires that rectangles are draw so that the
border lies one pixel within the specified right and bottom edges.
See Also