Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Printer Drivers
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The Microsoft Windows printer drivers manage all printer output for Windows
applications. Each driver provides a set of functions that Windows uses to
initialize the printer, retrieve information about the printer, print text
and graphics, and allow users to modify the operation of the printer.
The following topics provide useful information about printer drivers:
About the Printer Driver
    Printer Driver Initialization
    GDI Information Structure
    Enabling and Disabling Physical Devices
    Device-Context Management
    Dimensions and Mapping Modes
    Printer Driver Environment
    Device Mode Dialog Boxes
    Printer Device Modes
    Per-Page Printer Settings
    Printer Model Names
    Standard Print Dialogs
    Printer Entries in the WIN.INI File
    Physical Objects
    Device Pens and Brushes
    Device Fonts
    Device-Independent Bitmaps
    Print Jobs
    Banding Drivers
    Other Escapes
    Print Manager Support
    The Brute Functions
    GDI Priority Queues
    Stub Functions
    Installing Over Previous Versions
Printer-Specific Functions
Graphics Driver Functions