Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Printer Model Names
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To make printer driver installation easier and more intuitive, printer-model
names have been removed from the DeviceMode dialog box. Users have found it
confusing to select a printer model when installing the driver only to have
to reselect the printer model again within the printer's DeviceMode dialog
box. For Windows 3.1, the DeviceMode dialog box displays the name of the
printer model (selected during installation by the user) in the title bar of
the dialog box.
To support this change, printer drivers must now have corresponding
SETUP.INF or OEMSETUP.INF entries that list all the printer-model names.
Control Panel uses the entries to determine which printer models are
available. If the entries aren't available, Control Panel obtains the
printer-model name from the DESCRIPTION statement in the driver's executable
file header.