Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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WORD WNetCloseJob(fh, pidJob, szQueue)
WORD fh;
WORD FAR * pidJob;
LPSTR szQueue;
The WNetCloseJob function finishes the processing of a spooled print job.
Parameter  Description
fh         Identifies the spool file. It must have been previously created
           using the WNetOpenJob function.
pidJob     Points to a variable that receives a unique job identifier. If
           the driver cannot return the correct job identifier, it should
           return the constant value WN_NULL_JOBID (0x0000) indicating that
           the identifier is not available.
szQueue    Points to a null-terminated string specifying the normalized name
           of the network queue.
Return Value
The return value is one of the following values.
Value             Meaning
WN_BAD_HANDLE     File handle is invalid.
WN_BAD_POINTER    Invalid pointer.
WN_NET_ERROR      Network error.
WN_NOT_SUPPORTED  Function not supported.
WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY  Out of memory.
WN_SUCCESS        Success.
The export ordinal for this function is 2.
The pidJob and szQueue parameters can be used to reference the job at any
later time.
See Also