Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Windows Drivers Overview
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This topic describes the purpose and function of Microsoft Windows 3.1
device drivers. You should create a Windows device driver for your device if
it is not 100 percent compatible with the devices supported by the Windows
3.1 retail device drivers, or if you want to offer Windows users access to
unique features of your device.
What Is a Device Driver?
A Windows device driver is a dynamic-link library (DLL) that Windows uses to
interact with a hardware device such as a display or a keyboard. Rather than
access devices directly, Windows loads device drivers and calls functions in
the drivers to carry out actions on the device. Each device driver exports a
set of functions; Windows calls these functions to complete an action, such
as drawing a circle or translating a keyboard scan code. The driver
functions also contain the device-specific code needed to carry out actions
on the device.
Windows requires device drivers for the display, keyboard, and communication
ports. Mouse, network, and printer drivers are required if the user adds
these optional devices to the system. The following is a brief description
of each type of driver.
Driver          Description
Communications  Supports serial and parallel device communications. Windows
                loads and enables this driver, checking the COMM.DRV setting
                in the SYSTEM.INI file to determine the filename of the
                driver to load. The communications driver must provide
                functions to enable and disable the communication device, to
                get and set the device status, and read and write data
                through the device. The USER module provides a general
                interface for Windows applications to call, and translates
                these calls into appropriate calls to the driver. The module
                name for the communications driver is COMM.
Display         Supports the system display and cursor for pointing devices.
                Windows loads and enables the display driver, checking the
                DISPLAY.DRV setting in the SYSTEM.INI file to determine the
                filename of the driver to load. The display driver must
                provide functions to enable and disable the device, get
                information about the capabilities of the device, carry out
                graphics operations such as drawing lines and transferring
                bitmaps, and to show and hide a cursor. Windows and
                Windows-based applications call functions in the GDI module
                to carry out graphics operations on the display, and GDI
                translates these calls into corresponding calls to the
                driver. Depending on the capabilities of the display device,
                GDI may generate many calls to the driver from a single call
                from an application. The module name for the display driver
                is DISPLAY.
Grabber         Supports the management of non-Windows applications.
                Although not technically a driver, a display grabber plays a
                similar role as a device driver in helping the WINOLDAP
                module manage non-Windows applications. A display grabber
                provides the support Windows needs to share the display
                device with non-Windows applications. WINOLDAP loads the
                display grabbers and calls grabber functions to carry out
                tasks such as capturing the contents of the screen, or
                managing output from a non-Windows application. Windows
                requires unique display grabbers for standard and 386
                enhanced modes.
Keyboard        Supports keyboard input. Windows loads and enables the
                keyboard driver, checking the KEYBOARD.DRV setting in the
                SYSTEM.INI file to determine the filename of the driver to
                load. The keyboard driver must provide functions to enable
                and disable the keyboard, and to translate keyboard scan
                codes into character values and virtual-key codes. A
                keyboard driver also replaces the MS-DOS keyboard-interrupt
                handler with its own. When the driver is enabled, the USER
                module provides the address of a callback function that the
                driver calls whenever an event occurs, such a keystroke. The
                module name for the keyboard driver is KEYBOARD.
Mouse           Supports mouse or other pointing device input. Because a
                mouse is optional, Windows checks the MOUSE.DRV setting in
                the SYSTEM.INI file to determine whether to load a driver. A
                mouse driver must provide functions to enable and disable
                the mouse, retrieve information about the mouse, and allow
                users to modify the operation of the mouse through Control
                Panel. When the driver is enabled, the USER module provides
                the address of a callback function that the driver calls
                whenever an event occurs, such as a mouse movement. The
                module name for the mouse driver is MOUSE.
Network         Supports networks. Because a network is optional, Windows
                checks the NETWORK.DRV setting in the SYSTEM.INI file to
                determine whether to load a driver. A network driver must
                provide functions to retrieve information about the network,
                redirect local drives, and add jobs to a network print
                queue. The network driver may use MS-DOS functions, NetBIOS
                routines, and network software to complete these network
                requests. Windows does not require a specific module name
                for the network driver.
Printer         Supports printer output. Windows applications indirectly
                load printer drivers by calling the CreateDC function in the
                GDI module. A printer driver must provide functions to
                enable and disable the printer, to get information about the
                capabilities of the printer, to carry out graphics
                operations such as drawing lines and transferring bitmaps,
                and to display dialog boxes to let the user change printer
                settings. Windows and Windows-based applications call
                functions in the GDI module to carry out graphics operations
                on the printer, and GDI translates these calls into
                corresponding calls to the driver. Windows does not require
                a specific module name for a printer driver.
Since the network and printer drivers are optional, their module names are
not reserved. However, you should name your driver to represent your device
appropriately. For example, you could use PSCRIPT for a PostScript(R)
printer driver or MSNET for an MS(R)-Network driver.
Creating a Device Driver
You create a device driver either by adapting a sample driver, or writing a
driver from scratch. You can write Windows device drivers in assembly
language or in a high-level language such as the C language. Assembly
language programmers can use the CMACROS assembly-language macro package.
To create a device driver, you need to:
1  Read the chapter in this manual that describes the driver for your type
   of device.
2  Write the required driver functions.
3  Create and compile the required resources.
   Every device driver must have at least a VERSIONINFO resource that
   contains the version stamp for the driver. Setup and Control Panel both
   look for this resource when installing drivers. For more information
   about VERSIONINFO and other resources, see the Microsoft Windows
   Programmer's Reference.
4  Create a module-definition file that identifies the appropriate module
   name for your driver, and exports the required functions.
5  Assemble and link your driver.
6  Test your driver using the debugging version of Windows.
7  Create an installation file (OEMSETUP.INF) for your driver and related
8  Create your final distribution disk or disks.
Guidelines for Designing and Writing a Driver
When designing and writing your device driver, follow these guidelines:
♦  Make every effort to make your device driver as small as possible;
   reserve system memory for applications.
♦  Use multiple, discardable code segments to help reduce the amount of
   driver code needed in memory at any given time.
♦  Use an automatic data segment only if necessary.
♦  Make resources discardable, and lock them in memory only when needed.
♦  Use the stack sparingly. Because device drivers use the stack of the
   application that initiated the call to the driver, there is no way for
   the driver to determine how much available space is on the stack.
♦  Check for NULL pointers to avoid a general protection faults from using
   an invalid selector.
♦  Check the segment limits when reading from or writing to allocated
   segments to avoid a general protection fault from attempting to access
   data beyond the end of a segment.
♦  Use the __ahincr constant when creating selectors for huge memory
   (allocated memory greater than 64 kilobytes). Other methods of selector
   arithmetic can create invalid selectors and cause general protection
♦  Create code-segment aliases for any code to be executed from data
   segments. Attempting to call or jump to a data segment address generates
   a general protection fault.
Windows Calling Conventions
This manual presents the syntax of most functions in C-language notation.
All such functions are assumed to be declared as FAR PASCAL functions, and
Windows will call these functions as such. In general, exported functions in
a device driver must execute the standard Windows prolog on entry and epilog
on exit. For more information about the prolog and epilog, see the Microsoft
Windows Programmer's Reference.
The following list highlights the calling conventions:
♦  Set the DS register to the selector of the driver's automatic data
♦  Save and restore the following registers if used: SS, SP, BP, SI, DI, and
♦  Clear the direction flag if it has been set or modified.
♦  Place 16-bit return values in the AX register; 32-bit values in the DX:AX
   register pair.
♦  Execute a FAR return.
Windows pushes all parameters on the stack in a left to right order (the
last parameter shown in the function syntax is closest to the stack
pointer). Windows also passes pointers parameters as 32-bit quantities,
pushing the selector first then the offset. This allows exported functions
to use the lds or les instructions to retrieve pointers from the stack.
Header Files
When writing assembly-language drivers, you may need to use the following
header files.
File         Description
CMACROS.INC  Contains a set of assembly-language macros that provide a
             simplified interface to the function and segment conventions of
             high-level languages, such as C and Pascal.
GDIDEFS.INC  Contains definitions for symbolic constants and structures. To
             shorten the assembly time and cross-reference lists, you can
             selectively include parts of GDIDEFS.INC by defining equates
             that tell the assembler which parts to include.
             Equate             Description
             incLogical equ 1   Includes logical pen, brush, and font
             incDevice equ 1    Includes the symbolic names for GDIINFO
             incFont equ 1      Includes the FONTINFO and TEXTXFORM
             incDrawMode equ 1  Includes the DRAWMODE data structure
             incOutput equ 1    Includes the output style constants.
             incControl equ 1   Includes the escape number definitions.
WINDEFS.INC  Contains definitions for symbolic constants and structures used
             with Windows functions.