dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosEnumAttribute (1.2)
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USHORT DosEnumAttribute(usRefType, pvFile, ulEntry, pvBuf, cbBuf,
    pulCount, ulInfoLevel, ulReserved);
USHORT usRefType;     /* reference type              */
PVOID pvFile;         /* filename/handle             */
ULONG ulEntry;        /* starting entry in list      */
PVOID pvBuf;          /* data buffer                 */
ULONG cbBuf;          /* buffer size                 */
PULONG pulCount;      /* number of entries to return */
ULONG ulInfoLevel;    /* info level                  */
ULONG ulReserved;     /* reserved                    */
The DosEnumAttribute function enumerates extended attributes for a specified
file or subdirectory.
The DosEnumAttribute function is a family API function.
Parameter    Description
usRefType    Specifies whether the pvFile parameter points to a file handle
             or to a string that contains a file or directory name. This
             parameter can be one of the following values:
             Value                   Meaning
             ENUMEA_REFTYPE_FHANDLE  A handle
             ENUMEA_REFTYPE_PATH     File or directory name
pvFile       Points to the handle obtained from the DosOpen or DosOpen2
             function or to a null-terminated string that contains a file or
             directory name.
ulEntry      Specifies where to start enumerating extended attributes. A
             value of 1 specifies the first attribute for the file.
pvBuf        Points to the buffer that receives the extended attributes. For
             a ENUMEA_LEVEL_NO_VALUE-level request, the buffer is in the
             form of a DENA1 structure that contains only the names of the
             extended attributes.
cbBuf        Specifies the length (in bytes) of the buffer pointed to by the
             pvBuf parameter.
pulCount     Points to the variable that specifies the number of extended
             attributes requested and, on return, contains the number
             retrieved. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF returns as many extended
             attributes as will fit in the supplied buffer.
ulInfoLevel  Specifies the information level requested. For MS OS/2 version
             1.2, the only possible value is ENUMEA_LEVEL_NO_VALUE.
ulReserved   Specifies a reserved value; must be zero.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
The order in which attributes are returned may not be the same if the
DosEnumAttribute function is called a second time, because other threads or
processes may have changed the order.
This example allocates 1K of memory for the extended-attribute names, calls
DosEnumAttribute to retrieve the extended-attribute names for the file
eafile, and then displays the names one at a time:
#define BUFSIZE 1024
SEL sel;
PDENA1 pdena1;
ULONG ulCount;
USHORT offset = 0;
DosAllocSeg(BUFSIZE, &sel, SEG_NONSHARED); /* allocates buffer        */
pdena1 = MAKEP(sel, 0);              /* initializes pointer to buffer */
ulCount = 0xFFFFFFFF;
if (!DosEnumAttribute(ENUMEA_REFTYPE_PATH,           /* path supplied */
        "eafile",                                    /* filename      */
        1L,                     /* starts enum. with first attr.      */
        pdena1,                 /* buffer address                     */
        BUFSIZE,                /* buffer size                        */
        &ulCount,               /* number of attributes to retrieve   */
        ENUMEA_LEVEL_NO_VALUE,  /* type of request                    */
        0L)) {                  /* reserved                           */
    while (ulCount--) {         /* while there are attribute names    */
        VioWrtTTY(pdena1->szName, (USHORT) pdena1->cbName, 0L);
        VioWrtTTY("\r\n", 2, 0L);
        offset += sizeof(DENA1) + pdena1->cbName;
        pdena1 = MAKEP(sel, offset);           /* points to next name */
See Also