dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Dos functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overviews  Changes             Up Next Previous
DosAllocHuge         Allocates memory larger than 64K
DosAllocSeg          Allocates a memory segment of 64K or less
DosAllocShrSeg       Allocates a shared-memory segment
DosBeep              Generates a sound from the speaker
DosBufReset          Flushes the file buffers
DosCallback          Allows a ring-2 call to a ring-3 routine
DosCallNmPipe        Opens, reads from, writes to, and closes a named pipe
DosCaseMap           Casemaps the characters in a string
DosChDir             Changes the current directory
DosChgFilePtr        Changes a file pointer
DosCLIAccess         Requests privilege to disable/enable interrupts
DosClose             Closes a file
DosCloseQueue        Closes a queue
DosCloseSem          Closes a system semaphore
DosConnectNmPipe     Waits for a client to open a pipe
DosCopy              Copies a file or subdirectory
DosCreateCSAlias     Creates an aliased code-segment selector
DosCreateQueue       Creates and opens a queue
DosCreateSem         Creates a system semaphore
DosCreateThread      Creates a thread
DosCwait             Waits for a process to terminate
DosDelete            Deletes a file
DosDevConfig         Retrieves information about an attached device
DosDevIOCtl          Passes device-control functions to a device
DosDevIOCtl2         Performs I/O control for devices
DosDisConnectNmPipe  Disconnects a named pipe
DosDupHandle         Duplicates a handle
DosEditName          Copies a string using editing semantics
DosEnterCritSec      Suspends all but the current thread
DosEnumAttribute     Enumerates a file's extended attributes
DosErrClass          Retrieves information about an error code
DosError             Enables or disables hard-error processing
DosExecPgm           Loads and starts a child process
DosExit              Terminates a thread or process
DosExitCritSec       Restores threads after a call to DosEnterCritSec
DosExitList          Specifies functions to be called upon termination
DosFileIO            Performs multiple file operations
DosFileLocks         Locks or unlocks a portion of a file
DosFindClose         Closes a search directory
DosFindFirst         Opens a search directory
DosFindFirst2        Finds first matching file
DosFindNext          Continues a search directory
DosFlagProcess       Sends a signal to a process
DosFreeModule        Frees a dynamic-link module
DosFreeResource      Frees a resource
DosFreeSeg           Frees a segment
DosFSAttach          Creates or destroys a file-system connection
DosFSCtl             Allows an extended standard interface
DosFSRamSemClear     Clears (releases) a fast-safe RAM semaphore
DosFSRamSemRequest   Requests a fast-safe RAM semaphore
DosGetCollate        Retrieves a collating sequence table
DosGetCp             Retrieves a list of code pages for the process
DosGetCtryInfo       Retrieves country-dependent formatting information
DosGetDateTime       Retrieves the current date and time
DosGetDBCSEv         Retrieves the DBCS environment vector
DosGetEnv            Retrieves the address of the environment table
DosGetHugeShift      Retrieves the shift count for multiple segments
DosGetInfoSeg        Retrieves global and local system data
DosGetMachineMode    Retrieves the current mode: protected or real
DosGetMessage        Retrieves a message
DosGetModHandle      Retrieves a handle to a dynamic-link module
DosGetModName        Retrieves the path and name of a dynamic-link module
DosGetPID            Retrieves process identifier or parent
DosGetPPID           Retrieves the PID for a process's parent
DosGetProcAddr       Retrieves procedure address in dynamic-link module
DosGetPrty           Retrieves the scheduling priority of a thread
DosGetResource       Retrieves a resource for a module
DosGetResource2      Retrieves a resource for a module
DosGetSeg            Obtains access to shared memory
DosGetShrSeg         Obtains access to named shared memory
DosGetVersion        Retrieves the operating system's version number
DosGiveSeg           Gives memory access to other processes
DosHoldSignal        Suspends or restores signal processing
DosInsMessage        Inserts text in a message
DosKillProcess       Terminates a process
DosLoadModule        Loads a dynamic-link module
DosLockSeg           Locks a discardable segment
DosMakeNmPipe        Creates a named pipe and retrieves its handle
DosMakePipe          Creates a pipe
DosMemAvail          Retrieves size of largest block of free memory
DosMkDir             Creates a directory
DosMkDir2            Creates a directory
DosMonClose          Closes a monitor
DosMonOpen           Opens a monitor
DosMonRead           Reads device data records for use by a monitor
DosMonReg            Registers a monitor
DosMonWrite          Writes monitor records
DosMove              Moves a file
DosMuxSemWait        Waits for one or more semaphores to clear
DosNewSize           Changes a file's size
DosOpen              Opens or creates a file
DosOpen2             Opens or creates a file with extended attributes
DosOpenQueue         Opens a queue
DosOpenSem           Opens a system semaphore
DosPeekNmPipe        Reads a pipe without removing data
DosPeekQueue         Retrieves a queue element without removing it
DosPhysicalDisk      Retrieves information about partitionable disks
DosPortAccess        Requests or releases access to ports
DosPTrace            Provides access to debugging functions
DosPurgeQueue        Purges a queue
DosPutMessage        Writes a message
DosQAppType          Retrieves the type of an executable file
DosQCurDir           Retrieves the path of the current directory
DosQCurDisk          Retrieves the letter of the current default drive
DosQFHandState       Retrieves the file-handle state
DosQFileInfo         Retrieves file information
DosQFileMode         Retrieves the file mode
DosQFSAttach         Queries attached file-system information
DosQFSInfo           Retrieves file-system information
DosQHandType         Determines whether a handle is to a file or device
DosQNmPHandState     Retrieves handle-state information
DosQNmPipeInfo       Retrieves named-pipe information
DosQNmPipeSemState   Retrieves named-pipe semaphore information
DosQPathInfo         Retrieves information about a file or directory
DosQSysInfo          Retrieves system information
DosQueryQueue        Retrieves a count of elements in a queue
DosQVerify           Retrieves the write-verification mode
DosR2StackRealloc    Reallocates a ring-2 stack
DosRead              Reads from a file or device
DosReadAsync         Reads asynchronously from a file or device
DosReadQueue         Reads an element from a queue
DosReallocHuge       Reallocates a huge-memory block
DosReallocSeg        Reallocates a memory segment
DosResumeThread      Resumes a suspended thread
DosRmDir             Removes a directory
DosScanEnv           Scans the environment table for a variable
DosSearchPath        Searches a path for a file
DosSelectDisk        Selects a default disk drive
DosSelectSession     Switches a child session to the foreground
DosSemClear          Clears a system or RAM semaphore
DosSemRequest        Sets a semaphore only if it is cleared
DosSemSet            Sets a semaphore
DosSemSetWait        Sets a semaphore and waits until it is cleared
DosSemWait           Waits until a semaphore is cleared
DosSendSignal        Sends CTRL-C or CTRL-BREAK to a process
DosSetCp             Sets the code page for the current process
DosSetDateTime       Sets the date and time
DosSetFHandState     Sets the flags for a file handle
DosSetFileInfo       Sets file information
DosSetFileMode       Sets the file attributes of a file
DosSetFSInfo         Sets the volume label of a disk
DosSetMaxFH          Sets the maximum number of file handles
DosSetNmPHandState   Sets handle-state information
DosSetNmPipeSem      Associates a semaphore with a named pipe
DosSetPathInfo       Sets information for a file or subdirectory
DosSetProcCp         Sets the code page for a process
DosSetPrty           Sets the priority of a thread or process
DosSetSession        Sets the status of a child session
DosSetSigHandler     Installs or removes a signal handler
DosSetVec            Installs or removes an exception handler
DosSetVerify         Sets write verification on or off
DosShutdown          Shuts down file systems for power off
DosSizeSeg           Retrieves the size of a segment
DosSleep             Temporarily suspends the current thread
DosStartSession      Starts a session
DosStopSession       Terminates a session
DosSubAlloc          Allocates memory from an allocated segment
DosSubFree           Frees memory allocated by DosSubAlloc
DosSubSet            Initializes a segment for suballocation
DosSuspendThread     Suspends a thread
DosTimerAsync        Creates an asynchronous timer
DosTimerStart        Creates a periodic timer
DosTimerStop         Stops a timer
DosTransactNmPipe    Performs a transaction on a named pipe
DosUnlockSeg         Unlocks a discardable segment
DosWaitNmPipe        Waits for a named pipe to become available
DosWrite             Writes to a file, device, or pipe
DosWriteAsync        Writes asynchronously to a file or device
DosWriteQueue        Writes to a queue