dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosGetCp (1.2)
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USHORT DosGetCp(cbBuf, pusBuf, pcbCodePgLst)
USHORT cbBuf;            /* number of bytes in buffer for list        */
PUSHORT pusBuf;          /* pointer to buffer receiving list          */
PUSHORT pcbCodePgLst;    /* pointer to variable receiving list length */
The DosGetCp function retrieves a list that contains the current code page
for the process and all prepared system code pages. The code-page list
consists of one or more 16-bit values, each value representing a code-page
identifier. The first value in the list is the identifier for the process's
current code page. A process can set its current code page by using the
DosSetCp function. Otherwise, the process inherits its current code page
from its parent process.
The DosGetCp function copies the code-page list to a buffer. If the buffer
is too small to hold all the information, DosGetCp truncates the
information. If the buffer is larger than the information, DosGetCp fills
any remaining bytes with zeros.
Parameter     Description
cbBuf         Specifies the length (in bytes) of the buffer for the
              code-page list.
pusBuf        Points to the buffer that receives the code-page list.
pcbCodePgLst  Points to the variable that receives the number of bytes
              copied to the code-page list.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value.
The code-page identifier can be one of the following values:
Number  Code page
437     United States
850     Multilingual
860     Portuguese
863     French Canadian
865     Nordic
If DosGetCp cannot return the code page, you can get the code page by
calling DosGetCtryInfo with a value of 0 for both the country and codepage
fields of the COUNTRYCODE structure.
See Also