dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosMakeNmPipe (1.2)
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USHORT DosMakeNmPipe(pszName, php, fsOpenMode, fsPipeMode, cbOutBuf,
    cbInBuf, ulTimeOut)
PSZ pszName;          /* pipe name                        */
PHPIPE php;           /* pointer to pipe handle           */
USHORT fsOpenMode;    /* open mode of pipe                */
USHORT fsPipeMode;    /* pipe-specific modes              */
USHORT cbOutBuf;      /* number of bytes in output buffer */
USHORT cbInBuf;       /* number of bytes in input buffer  */
ULONG ulTimeOut;      /* time-out value                   */
The DosMakeNmPipe function creates a named pipe and retrieves a handle that
can be used in subsequent pipe operations.
Parameter   Description
pszName     Points to the null-terminated string that identifies the pipe.
            The string must have the following form:
            The pipe name (name) must have the same format as an MS OS/2
            filename and must be unique.
php         Points to the variable that receives the handle of the named
fsOpenMode  Specifies the modes with which to open the pipe. This parameter
            is a combination of an access-mode flag, an inheritance flag,
            and a write-behind flag. The possible values are as follows:
            Value               Meaning
            NP_ACCESS_DUPLEX    Pipe is full duplex──going to and from
                                server and client.
            NP_ACCESS_INBOUND   Pipe is inbound──going from client to
            NP_ACCESS_OUTBOUND  Pipe is outbound──going from server to
            NP_INHERIT          Pipe is inherited by any child processes
                                created by using the DosExecPgm function.
            NP_NOINHERIT        Pipe is private to the current process and
                                cannot be inherited.
            NP_NOWRITEBEHIND    Write-behind to remote pipes is not
            NP_WRITEBEHIND      Write-behind to remote pipes is allowed.
fsPipeMode  Specifies the pipe-specific modes of the pipe. This parameter is
            a combination of an instance count, a read-mode flag, a type
            flag, and a wait flag. The possible values are as follows:
            Value                   Meaning
            NP_WAIT                 Functions that read from and write to
                                    the pipe wait if no data is available.
            NP_NOWAIT               Functions that read from and write to
                                    the pipe return immediately if no data
                                    is available.
            NP_READMODE_BYTE        Read pipe as a byte stream.
            NP_READMODE_MESSAGE     Read pipe as a message stream.
            NP_TYPE_BYTE            Pipe is a byte-stream pipe.
            NP_TYPE_MESSAGE         Pipe is a message-stream pipe.
            NP_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES  Unlimited instances of the pipe can be
                                    created. If this value is not specified,
                                    a value in the range 1 through 254 can
                                    be used for the number of instances.
cbOutBuf    Specifies the number of bytes to reserve for the outgoing
cbInBuf     Specifies the number of bytes to reserve for the incoming
ulTimeOut   Specifies the default value (in milliseconds) of the time-out
            parameter of the DosWaitNmPipe function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
See Also
DosClose, DosExecPgm, DosWaitNmPipe