dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosOpenQueue (1.2)
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USHORT DosOpenQueue(ppidOwner, phqueue, pszQueueName)
PUSHORT ppidOwner;    /* pointer to variable for queue owner's identifier */
PHQUEUE phqueue;      /* pointer to variable for handle of queue          */
PSZ pszQueueName;     /* pointer to name of queue                         */
The DosOpenQueue function opens a queue for the current process.
Parameter     Description
ppidOwner     Points to the variable that receives the process identifier of
              the queue owner.
phqueue       Points to the variable that receives the handle of the queue.
pszQueueName  Points to a null-terminated string. This string identifies the
              queue and must have the following form:
              The string name, name, must have the same format as an MS OS/2
              filename and must identify a queue that has been created
              previously by using the DosCreateQueue function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
See Also
DosCloseQueue, DosCreateQueue, DosReadQueue, DosWriteQueue