dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosQFSInfo (1.2)
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USHORT DosQFSInfo(usDriveNumber, usInfoLevel, pbInfo, cbInfo)
USHORT usDriveNumber;    /* drive number                      */
USHORT usInfoLevel;      /* type of information               */
PBYTE pbInfo;            /* pointer to buffer for information */
USHORT cbInfo;           /* length of information buffer      */
The DosQFSInfo function retrieves file-system information.
The DosQFSInfo function is a family API function.
Parameter      Description
usDriveNumber  Specifies the logical drive number for the disk about which
               information is to be retrieved. This parameter can be any
               value from 0 through 26. If this parameter is zero,
               information about the disk in the current drive is retrieved.
               Otherwise, 1 specifies drive A, 2 specifies drive B, and so
usInfoLevel    Specifies the level of file information to be retrieved. A
               value of FSIL_ALLOC returns the number of sectors per
               allocation unit on the disk, the number of allocation units,
               the available allocation units, and the number of bytes per
               sector. A value of FSIL_VOLSER returns the volume label and
               the date and time at which the label was created.
pbInfo         Points to the structure that receives the file-system
               information. For FSIL_ALLOC information, it points to an
               FSALLOCATE structure. For FSIL_VOLSER, it points to an
               FSINFO structure.
cbInfo         Specifies the length (in bytes) of the buffer that receives
               the file-system information.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
This example calls the DosQFSInfo function and displays the volume label of
drive C:
FSINFO fsinf;
DosQFSInfo(3,                  /* drive number (c:)              */
    FSIL_VOLSER,               /* level of information requested */
    (PBYTE) &fsinf,            /* address of buffer              */
    sizeof(fsinf));            /* size of buffer                 */
VioWrtTTY(fsinf.vol.szVolLabel, fsinf.vol.cch, 0);
See Also
DosQFHandState, DosQFileMode, DosSetFSInfo, FSALLOCATE, FSINFO