dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosQVerify (1.2)
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USHORT DosQVerify(pfVerifyOn)
PBOOL pfVerifyOn;    /* verification-mode indicator */
The DosQVerify function retrieves the verification mode. The verification
mode specifies whether the system verifies the data each time it writes data
to a disk.
The DosQVerify function is a family API function.
Parameter   Description
pfVerifyOn  Points to the variable that receives the verification mode. The
            pfVerifyOn parameter is set to TRUE if the system verifies the
            data. Otherwise, it is set to FALSE.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value.
This example calls the DosQVerify function to determine if write
verification is active and then displays the result:
BOOL fVerifyOn;
if (fVerifyOn == TRUE)
    VioWrtTTY("Verify mode is active\r\n", 23, 0);
    VioWrtTTY("Verify mode is not active\r\n", 27, 0);
See Also