dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosSemClear (1.2)
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USHORT DosSemClear(hsem)
HSEM hsem;    /* semaphore handle */
The DosSemClear function clears a system or RAM semaphore that has been set
by using the DosSemRequest, DosSemSet, or DosSemSetWait function.
Parameter  Description
hsem       Identifies the semaphore to clear. This value can be the handle
           of a system semaphore that has been previously created or opened
           by using the DosCreateSem or DosOpenSem function, or it can be
           the address of a RAM semaphore.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be the following:
The DosSemClear function cannot clear a system semaphore that is owned by
another process unless the semaphore is nonexclusive.
This example uses the DosSemClear function to clear a RAM semaphore and a
system semaphore:
ULONG hsem = 0;
DosSemClear(&hsem);   /* clears RAM semaphore    */
DosSemClear(hsys);    /* clears system semaphore */
See Also
DosCreateSem, DosMuxSemWait, DosOpenSem, DosSemRequest, DosSemSet,
DosSemSetWait, DosSemWait