dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosSetPathInfo (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
USHORT DosSetPathInfo(pszPathName, usInfoLevel, pInfoBuf, cbInfoBuf,
    fsOptions, ulReserved);
PSZ pszPathName;       /* pointer to path                   */
USHORT usInfoLevel;    /* level of information              */
PBYTE pInfoBuf;        /* pointer to buffer for information */
USHORT cbInfoBuf;      /* length of information buffer      */
USHORT fsOptions;      /* options                           */
ULONG ulReserved;      /* must be zero                      */
The DosSetPathInfo function sets information for a specified file or
The DosSetPathInfo function is a family API function.
Parameter    Description
pszPathName  Points to the null-terminated string that specifies the path of
             the file or directory. The string must be a valid MS OS/2
usInfoLevel  Specifies the level of information to set. This parameter can
             be one of the following values:
             Value            Meaning
             FIL_STANDARD     Use a FILESTATUS structure.
             FIL_QUERYEASIZE  Use an EAOP structure to set extended
pInfoBuf     Points to the buffer where path information is stored. The
             buffer contains a FILESTATUS structure for FIL_STANDARD
             information or an EAOP structure for FIL_QUERYEASIZE
cbInfoBuf    Specifies the length (in bytes) of the buffer pointed to by the
             pInfoBuf parameter.
fsOptions    Specifies one or more options. For MS OS/2 version 1.2,
             DSPI_WRTTHRU is the only available option. The DSPI_WRTTHRU
             option means all data, including extended attributes, must be
             written to the disk before the function returns.
ulReserved   Specifies a reserved value; must be zero.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
If the DosSetPathInfo function is used to set extended-attribute
information, the fpFEAList field of the EAOP structure should point to the
FEALIST structure that contains the extended attributes. The fpGEAList field
of the EAOP structure will be ignored.
DosSetPathInfo fails if another process has the same file or directory.
A zero value in both the date and time fields of an attribute cause those
attributes to remain unchanged. For example, if both the fdateLastWrite and
ftimeLastWrite fields of the FILESTATUS structure are zero, both attributes
are unchanged. If either field is nonzero, both fields are set to the new
values. If extended attributes are modified, the file's last modification
date and time will be changed.
See Also