dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosSetSigHandler (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
USHORT DosSetSigHandler(pfnSigHandler, ppfnPrev, pfAction, fAction,
PFNSIGHANDLER pfnSigHandler;     /* pointer to signal-handler function */
PFNSIGHANDLER FAR * ppfnPrev;    /* pointer to previous signal handler */
PUSHORT pfAction;      /* pointer to variable for previous handler action */
USHORT fAction;                  /* type of request                    */
USHORT usSigNumber;              /* signal number                      */
The DosSetSigHandler function installs or removes a signal handler for a
specified signal. This function can also be used to ignore a signal or
install a default action for a signal.
The DosSetSigHandler function is a family API function.
Parameter      Description
pfnSigHandler  Points to the signal-handler function that receives control
               when a given signal occurs.
ppfnPrev       Points to the variable that receives a pointer to the
               previous signal handler.
pfAction       Points to the variable that receives the value of the
               previous signal handler's fAction parameter. On return, the
               pfAction parameter will contain one of the following values:
fAction        Specifies the type of request. This parameter can be one of
               the following values:
               Value             Meaning
               SIGA_ACCEPT       The signal handler specified in the
                                 pfnSigHandler parameter will accept the
                                 signal specified in the usSigNumber
               SIGA_ACKNOWLEDGE  The signal specified in the usSigNumber
                                 parameter is acknowledged. The signal
                                 handler specified in the pfnSigHandler
                                 parameter will accept the signal.
               SIGA_ERROR        It is an error for any other process to
                                 signal this process with the signal
                                 specified in the usSigNumber parameter.
               SIGA_IGNORE       Ignore the signal.
               SIGA_KILL         Remove the signal handler.
usSigNumber    Specifies the signal number. This parameter can be one of the
               following values:
               Value            Meaning
               SIG_CTRLBREAK    CTRL+BREAK.
               SIG_CTRLC        CTRL+C.
               SIG_KILLPROCESS  Program terminated.
               SIG_PFLG_A       Process flag A.
               SIG_PFLG_B       Process flag B.
               SIG_PFLG_C       Process flag C.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
The DosSetSigHandler function installs the signal handler the system calls
whenever the corresponding signal occurs. The signal handler is a function
that responds to a signal by carrying out tasks (for example, cleaning up
files). A signal is an action initiated by the user or is another process
that temporarily suspends execution of the process while the signal is
processed. Signals occur when the user presses the CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK key
sequences, when another process calls the DosFlagProcess function, or when
another process calls DosKillProcess to terminate the process with the
signal handler.
The signal-handler function can use the address and fAction value of the
previous signal handler to pass the signal through a chain of previous
signal handlers. The new signal handler can also use the previous address
and fAction value to restore the previous handler.
The DosSetSigHandler function acknowledges a signal and reenables it for
subsequent input if the fAction parameter is set to SIGA_ACKNOWLEDGE. A
process must acknowledge the signal to permit the signal to be used again.
The signal handler has the following form:
VOID PASCAL FAR FuncName(usSigArg, usSigNum)
USHORT usSigArg;    /* furnished by DosFlagProcess if appropriate */
USHORT usSigNum;    /* signal number being processed              */
Parameter  Description
usSigArg   Specifies the signal argument passed by the process that sends
           the process-flag signal.
usSigNum   Specifies the signal number. This parameter can be any of the
           values listed for the usSigNumber parameter of the
           DosSetSigHandler function.
When a signal occurs, MS OS/2 calls the corresponding signal handler, which
then carries out tasks, such as displaying a message and writing and closing
files. The signal handler receives control under the first thread of a
process (thread 1). The thread that was executing when the signal occurred
waits for signal processing to be completed. The signal handler can use the
return statement to return control and restore execution of the waiting
thread or can use the DosExit function to terminate the process.
The signal handler is not suspended when the DosEnterCritSec function is
called. If a signal occurs, the processing done by the signal handler must
not interfere with the processing done by the thread calling the
DosEnterCritSec function.
All registers other than cs, ip, ss, sp, and flags in assembly-language
signal handlers contain the same values as when the signal was received. The
signal handler may exit by executing a far return (retf) instruction;
execution resumes where it was interrupted, and all registers are restored
to their values at the time of the interruption.
In real mode, the following restriction applies to the DosSetSigHandler
♦  Only the signal-break (SIG_CTRLBREAK) and signal-interrupt (SIG_CTRLC)
   signals are available. DosSetSigHandler may be used to install signal
   handlers for only these two signals.
See Also
DosCreateThread, DosEnterCritSec, DosExit, DosFlagProcess, DosHoldSignal