dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Memory-allocation functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
DosAllocHuge       Allocates memory larger than 64K
DosAllocSeg        Allocates a segment of memory 64K or less
DosAllocShrSeg     Allocates a shared memory segment
DosFreeSeg         Frees a segment
DosGetHugeShift    Retrieves the shift count for multiple segments
DosGetSeg          Retrieves access to shared memory
DosGetShrSeg       Retrieves access to named shared memory
DosGiveSeg         Gives memory access to other processes
DosLockSeg         Locks a discardable segment
DosMemAvail        Retrieves size of largest block of free memory
DosR2StackRealloc  Reallocates a ring-2 stack
DosReallocHuge     Reallocates a huge memory block
DosReallocSeg      Reallocates a memory segment
DosSizeSeg         Retrieves the size of a segment
DosSubAlloc        Allocates memory from an allocated segment
DosSubFree         Frees memory allocated with DosSubAlloc
DosSubSet          Initializes a segment for suballocation
DosUnlockSeg       Unlocks a discardable segment
WinAllocMem        Allocates memory from the heap space
WinAvailMem        Returns size of largest free block on the heap
WinCreateHeap      Creates a heap
WinDestroyHeap     Destroys a heap
WinFreeMem         Frees memory from the heap
WinLockHeap        Returns a far address to the beginning of a heap
WinReallocMem      Reallocates memory in the heap