dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosOpen changes
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MS OS/2 version 1.2 changes
The following constants are new for the fsOpenMode parameter:
Value                        Meaning
OPEN_FLAGS_NO_LOCALITY       There is no specific information regarding the
                             locality of reference (the degree of randomness
                             with which the file is accessed).
OPEN_FLAGS_SEQUENTIAL        The file is accessed sequentially.
OPEN_FLAGS_RANDOM            The file is accessed randomly.
OPEN_FLAGS_RANDOMSEQUENTIAL  The file is accessed randomly, but there is a
                             degree of sequential I/O within that random
                             access. For example, this flag is specified if
                             large blocks of data are to be read or written
                             at random locations in the file.
OPEN_FLAGS_NO_CACHE          The disk drive should not cache data in I/O
                             operations on this file.
The comments incorrectly stated that ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED would be returned
if another process had previously opened the file in an incompatible mode.
The correct error code is ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION.
The Category 8 functions DSK_READTRACK and DSK_WRITETRACK are not supported
in MS-DOS versions 3.x and 4.x. You cannot use the DosOpen function to read
or write to a track when you are running MS-DOS.