PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  int AddMenu( char far *Title, char far *Help,
                        char far *Topic, flagType fLeft );
  Returns: ID for the menu if successful, otherwise -1.
  See:     AddMenuItem, ChangeMenu, CheckPwbMenuItem, EnablePwbMenuItem,
           IdAddPwbMenuItem, IdFindPwbMenuItem, RecordPwbMenuItem,
           SetPwbMenuItemTitle, SetPwbMenuItemCommand
     This function is provided only for compatibility with PWB 1.x
     extensions. New PWB extensions should use IdAddPwbMenuItem and
     associated PwbMenu functions to create and modify menus and menu
     AddMenu adds a menu to the menu bar to the right of the built-in
     PWB menus. The specified title appears on the menu bar in the
     leftmost available space if <fLeft> is TRUE, or in the rightmost
     space if <fLeft> is FALSE.
     The <Title> string is the title on the menu bar. By default, the
     first letter of the title is the highlighted access key, but you
     can specify a different one by preceding it with a tilde (~).
     The <Help> string is the Help text displayed on the status bar when
     the menu is selected.
     The <Topic> string is passed to Help when Help is requested for the
     menu item. The string can be a topic in a Microsoft Help file or in
     a custom Help file.
     See: Creating Help Files with HELPMAKE