PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Extension Functions (Alphabetical List)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Function                  Description
     AddAColor               Create a new color table entry
     AddFile                 Open a file
     AddMenu                 Create a menu (obsolete)
     AddMenuItem             Create a menu item (obsolete)
     AddStrToList            Add an element to a list
     atou                    Convert a string to a number
     BadArg                  Display the 'Invalid Argument' message
     bell                    Beep
     ChangeMenu              Change a menu item (obsolete)
     CheckPwbMenuItem        Place a bullet next to a menu item
     ClearList               Clear a list
     CloseWnd                Close a window
     CopyBox                 Copy a box of text between files
     CopyLine                Copy a line of text between files
     CopyStream              Copy a stream of text between files
     DelBox                  Delete a box of text
     DelFile                 Clear a file buffer
     DelLine                 Delete lines of text
     DelStream               Delete a stream of text
     DeRegisterEvent         Remove an installed event handler
     Display                 Repaint the entire display
     DoDrawWindow            Repaint a window
     DoMessage               Display text on the status bar
     DoMessageBox            Display a message box
     DoMessageBoxHelp        Display a message box with Help
     DoRedrawDamagedRegions  Paint parts of display that need updating
     DoSpawn                 Execute a program or DOS command
     DoStatusBox             Display a status box
     DrawEditWindowBorder    Repaint a window border
     EnablePwbMenuItem       Enable and disable a menu item
     Falloc                  Allocate memory
     farmemset               PWB equivalent for _fmemset
     farstradd               Concatentate strings with space separator
     farstrcat               PWB equivalent for _fstrcat
     farstrchr               PWB equivalent for _fstrchr
     farstrcmp               PWB equivalent for _fstrcmp
     farstrcpy               PWB equivalent for _fstrcpy
     farstricmp              PWB equivalent for _fstricmp
     farstrlen               PWB equivalent for _fstrlen
     farstrlwr               PWB equivalent for _fstrlwr
     farstrncmp              PWB equivalent for _fstrncmp
     farstrncpy              PWB equivalent for _fstrncpy
     farstrnicmp             PWB equivalent for _fstrnicmp
     farstrstr               PWB equivalent for _fstrstr
     farstrstrip             Collapse white space in a string
     fChangeFile             Change drive or directory or switch to a file
     Fdalloc                 Deallocate (free) memory
     fExecute                Execute PWB functions and macros
     FileLength              Get length of file in lines
     FileNameToHandle        Get handle for file based on filename
     FileRead                Read a file and initialize file buffer
     FileWrite               Write a file to disk
     FindSwitch              Get data for a PWB or extension switch
     ForFile                 Call function for wildcard file list
     fpbToVM                 Move data from memory to virtual memory
     fSetWindowWithFile      Open a file in a window
     GenEditSubWindow        Create a subwindow
     GetColor                Get color list for a line
     GetCursor               Get cursor position
     GetEditorObject         Get general PWB information
     GetEditSubWindow        Get current subwindow
     GetLine                 Get text of a line
     GetListEntry            Get an entry from a list
     GetListHandle           Get the handle for a named list
     GetPfileFromName        Open a file by name
     GetString               Prompt for a text string
     IdAddPwbMenuItem        Add a new menu item
     IdFindPwbMenuItem       Find an existing menu item
     LockFile                Increment the lock count for a file
     mgetenv                 Get an environment variable
     MoveCur                 Move the cursor
     NameToFunc              Get PCMD for a function or macro by name
     NameToKeys              Get keys assigned to a function or macro
     NewWindow               Create a new window
     pCmdPrompt              Prompt for a command (PCMD)
     pFileToBottom           Move file to end of instance list
     pFileToTop              Move file to start of instance list
     PopUpBox                Display a file in a pop-up window
     PopUpBoxColor           Display a file in a colored pop-up window
     PutColor                Attach a color list to a line
     PutLine                 Modify or create a line in a file
     ReadChar                Get a keystroke
     ReadCmd                 Get a command (PCMD)
     RecordPwbMenuItem       Enable or disable recording of menu item
     RegisterEvent           Install an event handler
     RemoveFile              Clear a file from memory
     Replace                 Insert or overtype characters on a line
     REsearch                Search for a regular expression
     Resize                  Change the size of a window
     ScanList                Call a function for each entry of a list
     search                  Search for text
     SelectFile              Prompt for a file
     SelectFiles             Prompt for a list of files
     SetColor                Color text
     SetEditorObject         Put general PWB information
     SetHiLite               Highlight text
     SetKey                  Assign a function or macro to a key
     SetPwbMenuItemCommand   Set the command for a menu item
     SetPwbMenuItemTitle     Set the name for a menu item
     SetPWBWindowMenuTitle   Set the name for a PWB Windows menu item
     SetSubWinHeight         Change height of a subwindow
     SetSubWinView           Change file position in a subwindow
     SetWindowColors         Change text and border colors for a window
     SplitWnd                Split a window (obsolete)
     UnLockFile              Decrement the lock count for a file
     VMAlloc                 Allocate virtual memory
     VMFree                  Deallocate (free) virtual memory
     VMSize                  Get size of virtual-memory block
     VMTofpb                 Move data from virtual memory to memory
     Extension Functions (by Category)