PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  flagType ChangeMenu( int action, int idMenu, char far *text );
  Returns: True if successful, otherwise false.
  See:     AddMenu, AddMenuItem, CheckPwbMenuItem, EnablePwbMenuItem,
           IdAddPwbMenuItem, IdFindPwbMenuItem, RecordPwbMenuItem,
           SetPwbMenuItemTitle, SetPwbMenuItemCommand
     This function is provided only for compatibility with PWB 1.x
     extensions. New PWB extensions should use IdAddPwbMenuItem and
     associated PwbMenu functions to create and modify menus and menu
     ChangeMenu modifies a menu item or menu specified by <idMenu>. The
     <idMenu> ID is normally a value previously returned by AddMenuItem
     or AddMenu.
     The <action> constant and the <text> string specify the type of
     change, as shown below:
     Constant        Action
     MNU_DISABLE     Menu or item unavailable. Displayed as dimmed.
     MNU_ENABLE      Menu or item enabled.
     MNU_CHECK       Item displayed with a bullet.
     MNU_UNCHECK     Item displayed without a bullet.
     MNU_RENAME      Text of menu or item changed. The <text> string
                     specifies the new text.
     MNU_COMMAND     Function or macro associated with the changed item.
                     The <text> string specifies the new command. Use
                     NULL as the command to disable the item.