PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax: void CopyLine( PFILE pfSource, PFILE pfDest,
                         LINE yStart, LINE yEnd, LINE yDest );
  See:    CopyBox, CopyStream, PutLine, Processing Text
     CopyLine can be used either to copy a group of lines from one file
     to another or to insert blank lines.
     The source and destination files are specified by <pfSource> and
     <pfDest>. If <pfSource> is PNULL, one or more blank lines is
     inserted, depending on the relative values of <yStart> and <yEnd>.
     Otherwise, the lines from <yStart> to <yEnd>, inclusive, are copied
     into the destination file directly before line <yDest>.
     Do not confuse CopyLine with PutLine. PutLine replaces a line, but
     does not affect the total number of lines. CopyLine inserts one or
     more lines, which increases the length of the file.
     The same file cannot serve as both source and destination.
     If the copied lines have colors, they are copied with the text.