PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  WORD IdFindPwbMenuItem( char far *Name, unsigned idStart,
                                   unsigned fRecursive );
  Returns: ID for the specified menu or menu item; 0 if the item could
           not be found.
  See:     CheckPwbMenuItem, EnablePwbMenuItem, IdAddPwbMenuItem,
           IdFindPwbMenuItem, RecordPwbMenuItem, SetPwbMenuItemTitle,
     IdFindPwbMenuItem searches for a menu item by name and returns the
     ID for the specified command.
     Argument       Description
     <Name>         Name of the menu item to find. Make sure that you
                    include the tilde (~) that specifies the item's
                    access key.
     <idStart>      ID of the menu item at which to start the search.
                    Specify 0 to start at the beginning of the menu bar.
     <fRecursive>   Recursively search for the item.
     Note that dynamically modified menu items are updated only when the
     menu is opened. This applies to the list of files on the File menu,
     the list of windows on the Windows menu, the PWB Windows cascaded
     menu, and all items whose titles change (Set Mark File and Compile,
     for example).