PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  flagType SelectFile( char far *FileName, int cbLen,
                                char far *Title, char far *Pattern,
                                int idHelp );
  Returns: True when the user chooses OK, false when the user chooses
           Cancel or the specified filename is invalid.
  See:     GetString, SelectFiles
     SelectFile displays the standard PWB dialog box that allows the
     user to select a filename.
     To see an example of this dialog box, choose the Set Mark File
     command from the Search menu.
     Argument       Description
     <FileName>     Buffer to receive the selected filename. The
                    <FileName> buffer is normally at least MAX_PATH
                    bytes long.
     <cbLen>        Length of the <FileName> buffer.
     <Title>        Title for the dialog box.
     <Pattern>      Default filename or wildcard to appear in the File
                    Name text box. The files that are displayed in the
                    list box are filtered by the specified pattern.
     <idHelp>       ID number of the PWB Help topic to be displayed when
                    the user chooses the Help button. Specify 0 for no
                    Help button.
                    See: Using Help IDs