PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
far... String and Memory Functions
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     char far *farstrcpy ( char far *Dest, char far *Source );
     char far *farstrncpy( char far *Dest, char far *Source, int Len );
     char far *farstrcat ( char far *Dest, char far *Source );
     char far *farstrstr ( char far *Str1, char far *Str2 );
     char far *farstrchr ( char far *Str, int C );
     char far *farstrlwr ( char far *Str );
     int farstrlen  ( char far *Str );
     int farstrcmp  ( char far *Str1, char far *Str2 );
     int farstrncmp ( char far *Str1, char far *Str2, int Len );
     int farstrnicmp( char far *Str1, char far *Str2, int Len );
     void far * farmemset( void far *Dest, int C, size_t Count );
  Returns: Same value as for the corresponding _fstr... functions in the
           C run-time library.
  See:     farstradd, farstrstrip, _fstrcpy, _fstrncpy, _fstrcat,
           _fstrstr, _fstrchr, _fstrlwr _fstrlen, _fstrcmp, _fstrncmp,
           _fstrnicmp, _fmemset
     The far... functions are equivalent to the corresponding _f...
     functions in the C run-time library. Using the PWB functions
     instead of the library versions makes extension files slightly
     smaller because duplicate copies of the functions do not appear in
     both PWB and the extension.