forlang.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────$STRICT and $NOTSTRICT─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     $STRICT disables the Microsoft language features not found in the
     FORTRAN 77 full-language standard. $NOTSTRICT enables those
     Syntax  $[NOT]STRICT
     The default is $NOTSTRICT. $NOTSTRICT and $STRICT can appear
     anywhere in a source file, enabling and disabling the extensions
     as desired.
     The $[NOT]STRICT metacommand is equivalent to the /4{Y | N}
     compiler option.
     C     The following statement produces an error, because
     C     INTEGER*2 is not part of the FORTRAN 77 standard:
           INTEGER*2  i
     C     The variable name (balance) will be truncated to six
     C     characters:
           REAL  balance(500)
     C     The following statement produces an error, because the
     C     MODE= option is not part of the FORTRAN 77 standard:
           OPEN (2, FILE = 'BALANCE.DAT', MODE = 'READ')
           DO 100 i = 1, 500
     C     The following statement produces an error, because the EOF
     C     intrinsic function is not part of the FORTRAN 77 standard;
     C     (EOF is treated as a REAL function):
           IF (EOF (2))  GOTO 200
           READ (2, '(F7.2)') balance(i)
       100 CONTINUE
       200 CONTINUE