gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Clipping functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
GpiExcludeClipRectangle    Excludes a rectangle from the clip region
GpiIntersectClipRectangle  Sets a clip region from an intersection
GpiQueryClipBox            Retrieves a clip-box rectangle
GpiQueryClipRegion         Retrieves the handle to a clip region
GpiQueryGraphicsField      Retrieves coordinates of a graphics field
GpiQueryViewingLimits      Retrieves coordinates of the viewing limits
GpiSetClipPath             Sets a clip path
GpiSetClipRegion           Sets a clip region
GpiSetGraphicsField        Sets the coordinates of a graphics field
GpiSetViewingLimits        Sets the coordinates of the viewing limits