gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Gpi functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overviews  Changes             Up Next Previous
GpiAssociate                    Associates pres. space with a device context
GpiBeginArea                    Starts an area bracket
GpiBeginElement                 Starts an element bracket
GpiBeginPath                    Starts a path bracket
GpiBitBlt                       Copies bitmaps
GpiBox                          Draws a rectangular box
GpiCallSegmentMatrix            Draws a segment using an instance matrix
GpiCharString                   Draws a character string at current position
GpiCharStringAt                 Draws character string at specified position
GpiCharStringPos                Draws a character string with formatting
GpiCharStringPosAt              Draws a character string with formatting
GpiCloseFigure                  Closes a figure
GpiCloseSegment                 Closes the current segment
GpiCombineRegion                Combines two regions
GpiComment                      Adds a comment to a segment
GpiConvert                      Converts an array of coordinate pairs
GpiCopyMetaFile                 Copies a metafile
GpiCorrelateChain               Correlates a chain
GpiCorrelateFrom                Performs a correlation operation
GpiCorrelateSegment             Correlates a segment
GpiCreateBitmap                 Creates a bitmap
GpiCreateLogColorTable          Creates a logical color table
GpiCreateLogFont                Creates a logical font
GpiCreatePS                     Creates a presentation space
GpiCreateRegion                 Creates a region
GpiDeleteBitmap                 Deletes a bitmap
GpiDeleteElement                Deletes an element
GpiDeleteElementRange           Deletes an element range
GpiDeleteElementsBetweenLabels  Deletes the elements between two labels
GpiDeleteMetaFile               Deletes a metafile
GpiDeleteSegment                Deletes a retained segment
GpiDeleteSegments               Deletes all segments
GpiDeleteSetId                  Deletes a logical font or bitmap tag
GpiDestroyPS                    Destroys a presentation space
GpiDestroyRegion                Destroys a region
GpiDrawChain                    Draws a picture chain
GpiDrawDynamics                 Redraws dynamic segments
GpiDrawFrom                     Draws a section of a picture chain
GpiDrawSegment                  Draws a specified segment
GpiElement                      Draws an element
GpiEndArea                      Ends an area bracket
GpiEndElement                   Ends an element bracket
GpiEndPath                      Ends a path bracket
GpiEqualRegion                  Checks two regions for equality
GpiErase                        Clears the output display
GpiErrorSegmentData             Returns an error location in a segment
GpiExcludeClipRectangle         Excludes a rectangle from the clip region
GpiFillPath                     Draws the interior of a path
GpiFullArc                      Creates a full arc
GpiGetData                      Get graphics-order data from a segment
GpiImage                        Draws an image
GpiIntersectClipRectangle       Sets a clip region from an intersection
GpiLabel                        Creates a label element
GpiLine                         Draws a line
GpiLoadBitmap                   Loads a bitmap from a resource
GpiLoadFonts                    Loads fonts from a resource file
GpiLoadMetaFile                 Loads data from a file into a metafile
GpiMarker                       Draws a marker
GpiModifyPath                   Modifies a path
GpiMove                         Moves current position to a specified point
GpiOffsetClipRegion             Moves the clip region
GpiOffsetElementPointer         Sets the element pointer
GpiOffsetRegion                 Moves a region
GpiOpenSegment                  Opens a segment
GpiOutlinePath                  Draws the outline of a path
GpiPaintRegion                  Paints a region
GpiPartialArc                   Draws a partial arc
GpiPlayMetaFile                 Plays a metafile
GpiPointArc                     Draws an arc through three points
GpiPolyFillet                   Draws a curve
GpiPolyFilletSharp              Draws a fillet
GpiPolyLine                     Draws straight lines
GpiPolyMarker                   Draws a marker
GpiPolySpline                   Draws Bezier splines
GpiPop                          Restores one or more primitive attributes
GpiPtInRegion                   Determines whether a point is in a region
GpiPtVisible                    Determines whether a point is visible
GpiPutData                      Draws graphics orders from a buffer
GpiQueryArcParams               Retrieves the current arc parameters
GpiQueryAttrMode                Retrieves the current attribute mode
GpiQueryAttrs                   Retrieves attributes for a primitive type
GpiQueryBackColor               Retrieves the current background color
GpiQueryBackMix                 Retrieves the current background mix mode
GpiQueryBitmapBits              Copies bitmap image data to a buffer
GpiQueryBitmapDimension         Retrieves the dimensions of a bitmap
GpiQueryBitmapHandle            Retrieves the handle to a bitmap
GpiQueryBitmapParameters        Retrieves bitmap parameters
GpiQueryBoundaryData            Retrieves boundary data
GpiQueryCharAngle               Retrieves the character-angle attribute
GpiQueryCharBox                 Retrieves the character-box attribute
GpiQueryCharDirection           Retrieves the character-direction attribute
GpiQueryCharMode                Retrieves the character-mode attribute
GpiQueryCharSet                 Retrieves the character-set identifier
GpiQueryCharShear               Retrieves the character-shear angle
GpiQueryCharStringPos           Retrieves the positions of characters
GpiQueryCharStringPosAt         Retrieves the character positions at a point
GpiQueryClipBox                 Retrieves a clip-box rectangle
GpiQueryClipRegion              Retrieves the handle to a clip region
GpiQueryColor                   Retrieves the line-color attribute
GpiQueryColorData               Retrieves color-table data
GpiQueryColorIndex              Retrieves the color index
GpiQueryCp                      Retrieves a code-page identifier
GpiQueryCurrentPosition         Retrieves the current position
GpiQueryDefArcParams            Retrieves the default arc parameters
GpiQueryDefAttrs                Retrieves the default attributes
GpiQueryDefaultViewMatrix       Retrieves the default viewing matrix
GpiQueryDefCharBox              Retrieves the size of the default char box
GpiQueryDefTag                  Retrieves the default tag for a primitive
GpiQueryDefViewingLimits        Retrieves the default viewing limits
GpiQueryDevice                  Retrieves a device context from a PS
GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats     Retrieves bitmap formats
GpiQueryDrawControl             Checks for a drawing control
GpiQueryDrawingMode             Retrieves the drawing mode
GpiQueryEditMode                Retrieves the current editing mode
GpiQueryElement                 Retrieves element content data
GpiQueryElementPointer          Retrieves the current element pointer
GpiQueryElementType             Retrieves information about an element type
GpiQueryFontFileDescriptions    Retrieves font-file descriptions
GpiQueryFontMetrics             Retrieves information about font metrics
GpiQueryFonts                   Retrieves font information
GpiQueryGraphicsField           Retrieves coordinates of a graphics field
GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs     Retrieves an initial segment attribute
GpiQueryKerningPairs            Retrieves kerning-pair information
GpiQueryLineEnd                 Retrieves the line-end attribute
GpiQueryLineJoin                Retrieves the line-join attribute
GpiQueryLineType                Retrieves the cosmetic line-type attribute
GpiQueryLineWidth               Retrieves the cosmetic line-width attribute
GpiQueryLineWidthGeom           Retrieves the geometric line-width attribute
GpiQueryLogColorTable           Retrieves the logical color table
GpiQueryMarker                  Retrieves the marker-symbol attribute
GpiQueryMarkerBox               Retrieves the marker-box attribute
GpiQueryMarkerSet               Retrieves the marker-set attribute
GpiQueryMetaFileBits            Transfers a metafile to application storage
GpiQueryMetaFileLength          Retrieves the length of a memory metafile
GpiQueryMix                     Retrieves the foreground mix mode
GpiQueryModelTransformMatrix    Retrieves a model-transformation matrix
GpiQueryNearestColor            Retrieves the nearest available color
GpiQueryNumberSetIds            Retrieves the number of lcids in use
GpiQueryPageViewport            Retrieves the coordinates of a page viewport
GpiQueryPattern                 Retrieves the shading-pattern attribute
GpiQueryPatternRefPoint         Retrieves the pattern reference point
GpiQueryPatternSet              Retrieves the pattern-set identifier
GpiQueryPel                     Retrieves the color of a specified pel
GpiQueryPickAperturePosition    Retrieves the center of a pick aperture
GpiQueryPickApertureSize        Retrieves the pick-aperture size
GpiQueryPS                      Retrieves presentation-space page parameters
GpiQueryRealColors              Retrieves RGB values
GpiQueryRegionBox               Retrieves a region-box rectangle
GpiQueryRegionRects             Retrieves region rectangles
GpiQueryRGBColor                Retrieves an RGB color
GpiQuerySegmentAttrs            Checks for a segment attribute
GpiQuerySegmentNames            Retrieves the segment identifiers
GpiQuerySegmentPriority         Retrieves the segment priority
GpiQuerySegmentTransformMatrix  Retrieves a segment-transformation matrix
GpiQuerySetIds                  Retrieves information about fonts
GpiQueryStopDraw                Retrieves the stop/draw condition
GpiQueryTag                     Retrieves a tag identifier
GpiQueryTextBox                 Retrieves the coordinates of a text box
GpiQueryViewingLimits           Retrieves coordinates of the viewing limits
GpiQueryViewingTransformMatrix  Retrieves a viewing-transformation matrix
GpiQueryWidthTable              Retrieves font-width-table information
GpiRealizeColorTable            Realizes the logical color table
GpiRectInRegion                 Determines whether rectangle is in a region
GpiRectVisible                  Determines whether a rectangle is visible
GpiRemoveDynamics               Removes dynamic segments
GpiResetBoundaryData            Resets boundary data
GpiResetPS                      Resets a presentation space
GpiRestorePS                    Restores a presentation space
GpiRotate                       Applies rotation to a matrix transformation
GpiSaveMetaFile                 Saves a metafile
GpiSavePS                       Saves a presentation space
GpiScale                        Scales a matrix-transformation operation
GpiSetArcParams                 Sets the current arc parameters
GpiSetAttrMode                  Sets the current attribute mode
GpiSetAttrs                     Sets the attributes for a primitive type
GpiSetBackColor                 Sets the current background color
GpiSetBackMix                   Sets the current background mix mode
GpiSetBitmap                    Sets a bitmap
GpiSetBitmapBits                Sets the bits of a bitmap
GpiSetBitmapDimension           Sets the dimensions of a bitmap
GpiSetBitmapId                  Sets a bitmap identifier
GpiSetCharAngle                 Sets the character-angle attribute
GpiSetCharBox                   Sets the character-box attribute
GpiSetCharDirection             Sets the character-direction attribute
GpiSetCharMode                  Sets the character-mode attribute
GpiSetCharSet                   Sets the character-set identifier
GpiSetCharShear                 Sets the character-shear attribute
GpiSetClipPath                  Sets a clip path
GpiSetClipRegion                Sets a clip region
GpiSetColor                     Sets the line-color attribute
GpiSetCp                        Sets the graphics code-page identifier
GpiSetCurrentPosition           Sets the current position
GpiSetDefArcParams              Sets the default arc parameters
GpiSetDefAttrs                  Sets the default attributes
GpiSetDefaultViewMatrix         Sets the default viewing transformation
GpiSetDefTag                    Sets the default tag for a primitive
GpiSetDefViewingLimits          Sets the default viewing limits
GpiSetDrawControl               Sets a draw control
GpiSetDrawingMode               Sets the drawing mode
GpiSetEditMode                  Sets the editing mode
GpiSetElementPointer            Sets the element pointer
GpiSetElementPointerAtLabel     Sets the element pointer at a label
GpiSetGraphicsField             Sets the coordinates of a graphics field
GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs       Sets the initial segment attributes
GpiSetLineEnd                   Sets the line-end attribute
GpiSetLineJoin                  Sets the line-join attribute
GpiSetLineType                  Sets the line-type attribute
GpiSetLineWidth                 Sets the cosmetic line-width attribute
GpiSetLineWidthGeom             Sets the geometric line-width attribute
GpiSetMarker                    Sets the marker attribute
GpiSetMarkerBox                 Sets the marker-box attribute
GpiSetMarkerSet                 Sets the marker-set attribute
GpiSetMetaFileBits              Copies data from a buffer to a metafile
GpiSetMix                       Sets the foreground mix mode
GpiSetModelTransformMatrix      Sets a model-transformation matrix
GpiSetPageViewport              Sets the coordinates of a page viewport
GpiSetPattern                   Sets the shading-pattern attribute
GpiSetPatternRefPoint           Sets the pattern reference point
GpiSetPatternSet                Sets the pattern-set attribute
GpiSetPel                       Sets the color of a specified pel
GpiSetPickAperturePosition      Sets the center of the pick aperture
GpiSetPickApertureSize          Sets the pick-aperture size
GpiSetPS                        Sets presentation-space page parameters
GpiSetRegion                    Sets a region
GpiSetSegmentAttrs              Sets an attribute for a retained segment
GpiSetSegmentPriority           Sets the segment priority
GpiSetSegmentTransformMatrix    Sets a segment-transformation matrix
GpiSetStopDraw                  Sets the stop-draw condition
GpiSetTag                       Sets a tag for a primitive
GpiSetViewingLimits             Sets the coordinates of the viewing limits
GpiSetViewingTransformMatrix    Sets a viewing-transformation matrix
GpiStrokePath                   Strokes a path
GpiTranslate                    Sets a matrix transformation
GpiUnloadFonts                  Unloads font definitions
GpiUnrealizeColorTable          Unrealizes the logical color table
GpiWCBitBlt                     Copies a bitmap to a presentation space