gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DevQueryHardcopyCaps (1.2)
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#define INCL_DEV
LONG DevQueryHardcopyCaps(hdc, iStartForm, cForms, phci)
HDC hdc;            /* device-context handle             */
LONG iStartForm;    /* index of forms code to start from */
LONG cForms;        /* number of forms to query          */
PHCINFO phci;       /* pointer to buffer for results     */
The DevQueryHardcopyCaps function returns information about the hardcopy
capabilities of a device.
You can use the iStartForm and cForms parameters together to enumerate all
available form codes without having to allocate a buffer large enough to
hold information on them all.
Parameter   Description
hdc         Identifies the device context.
iStartForm  Specifies the index of the form code from which to start the
            query. The first forms code is specified by the value 0.
cForms      Specifies the number of forms to query.
phci        Points to the buffer that contains the results of the query. The
            result consists of cForms copies of the HCINFO structure.
Return Value
If there are five form codes defined and the iStartForm parameter is 2 and
the cForms parameter is 3, a query is performed for form codes 2, 3, and 4
and the result is returned in the buffer pointed to by the phci parameter.
The return value, if cForms is zero, is the number of available forms or, if
cForms is nonzero, the number of forms returned. The return value is
DQHC_ERROR if an error occurs.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
See Also