gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
GpiCreatePS (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
HPS GpiCreatePS(hab, hdc, psizl, flOptions)
HAB hab;            /* anchor-block handle                */
HDC hdc;            /* device-context handle              */
PSIZEL psizl;       /* address of structure for page size */
ULONG flOptions;    /* presentation-space options         */
The GpiCreatePS function creates a presentation space. The presentation
space has the presentation type, page size, page unit, and storage format
specified by psizl and flOptions. The function also associates the device
context specified by hdc with the presentation space if a device context is
given. The presentation space, identified by the handle returned by
GpiCreatePS, can be used in subsequent Gpi functions to draw to the
associated device.
Parameter  Description
hab        Identifies the anchor block.
hdc        Identifies a device context. It is required only if the
           GPIA_ASSOC option is given in flOptions. It must be a handle to a
           device context if the GPIT_MICRO option is given. Otherwise, it
           can be NULL.
psizl      Points to a SIZEL structure that contains the width and height of
           the presentation page. The width and height can be zero if the
           GPIA_ASSOC option is given. The width and height must be non-zero
           if the PU_ARBITRARY option is given.
flOptions  Specifies the presentation-space options. The options define the
           page unit, storage format, and presentation type for the
           presentation space, as well as specifying whether to associate a
           device context with the new presentation space. The flOptions
           parameter must include exactly one of the following page unit
           options combined with no more than one each of the following
           storage format, presentation type, and association options:
           Page unit     Meaning
           PU_ARBITRARY  Sets units initially to pels but permits the units
                         to be modified later using the GpiSetPageViewport
           PU_HIENGLISH  Sets units to 0.001 inch.
           PU_HIMETRIC   Sets units to 0.01 millimeter.
           PU_LOENGLISH  Sets units to 0.01 inch.
           PU_LOMETRIC   Sets units to 0.1 millimeter.
           PU_PELS       Sets units to pels.
           PU_TWIPS      Sets units to 1/1440 inch (1/20 point).
           Storage format  Meaning
           GPIF_DEFAULT    Stores coordinates as 2-byte integers.
                           GPIF_DEFAULT is the default if no storage format
                           is given.
           GPIF_LONG       Stores coordinates as 4-byte integers.
           GPIF_SHORT      Stores coordinates as 2-byte integers.
           Presentation type  Meaning
           GPIT_MICRO         Creates a micro presentation space. The
                              presentation space must be associated with a
                              screen device context. The GPIA_ASSOC option
                              and a device context must also be given.
           GPIT_NORMAL        Creates a normal presentation space. The
                              presentation space can be associated with any
                              device context and used with retained
                              graphics. If a presentation-space type is not
                              given, the default is GPIT_NORMAL.
           Association   Meaning
           GPIA_ASSOC    Associates the device context specified by hdc with
                         the new presentation space.
           GPIA_NOASSOC  Creates presentation space without associating a
                         device context. GPIA_NOASSOC is the default if an
                         association option is not given.
Return Value
The return value is the handle of the presentation space if the function is
successful or GPI_ERROR if an error occurred.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
The presentation type can be normal or micro. Normal presentation spaces can
be associated with any device context and can be used for retained graphics.
Micro presentation spaces can be associated with any device, but only when
they are created. They can never be reassociated. The GPIA_ASSOC and
GPIA_NOASSOC options specify whether the new presentation space is to be
associated with the device context identified by hdc. If not associated, the
GpiAssociate function must be used to associate a device context. A
presentation space can not be used without an associated device.
The page unit specifies the unit of measure used to draw to the device. For
example, if the page unit is pels, a line 100 units long in world space
coordinates is 100 pels long on the device.
The presentation page size specifies the width and height of the
presentation page. The presentation page and page viewport define how points
in the presentation page space are mapped to the pels in the device space.
This is important for programs that need to change the page unit without
recreating the presentation space.
The storage format specifies the internal format for coordinate values
stored in the segments. This is important for applications that edit
This example uses the GpiCreatePS function to create a micro presentation
space for a memory device context. The function associates the presentation
space with the device context and sets the page units to pels. By default,
the presentation space is a normal presentation space that uses local
storage format.
HDC hdc;
HPS hps;
SIZEL sizl = { 0, 0 };    /* use same page size as device */
dop.pszLogAddress = (PSZ) NULL;
dop.pszDriverName = (PSZ) "DISPLAY";
dop.pdriv = (PDRIVDATA) NULL;
dop.pszDataType = (PSZ) NULL;
/* Create the memory device context. */
hdc = DevOpenDC(hab, OD_MEMORY, "*", 4L, &dop, (HDC) NULL);
/* Create the presentation and associate the memory device context. */
hps = GpiCreatePS(hab, hdc, &sizl, PU_PELS | GPIT_MICRO | GPIA_ASSOC);
See Also
GpiDestroyPS, GpiSetPageViewport, WinGetLastError, SIZEL