gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
GpiErrorSegmentData (1.2)
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LONG GpiErrorSegmentData(hps, pidSegment, plContext)
HPS hps;             /* presentation-space handle          */
PLONG pidSegment;    /* address of segment identifier      */
PLONG plContext;     /* address of variable for error type */
The GpiErrorSegmentData function returns information about the last error
that occurred while drawing a segment. The function copies the segment
identifier and error type to the variables pointed to by pidSegment and
plContext, then returns either a byte offset or an element pointer position,
depending on the type of error.
Parameter   Description
hps         Identifies the presentation space.
pidSegment  Points to a variable to receive the identifier of the segment
            causing the error.
plContext   Points to a variable to receive the error type. It can be one of
            the following values:
            Value         Meaning
            GPIE_DATA     A graphics order in the buffer for the GpiPutData
                          function caused an error. The return value is the
                          byte offset from the beginning of the buffer to
                          this graphics order.
            GPIE_ELEMENT  A graphics order in the buffer for the GpiElement
                          function caused an error. The return value is the
                          byte offset from the beginning of the buffer to
                          this graphics order.
            GPIE_SEGMENT  An element in the given segment caused an error.
                          The return value is the position of the element
                          pointer for this element.
Return Value
The return value is either a byte offset or an element pointer position if
the function is successful. Otherwise, it is GPI_ALTERROR.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
See Also
GpiCloseSegment, GpiElement, GpiOpenSegment, GpiPutData, WinGetLastError