gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
GpiQueryBitmapBits (1.2)
Function Group  Overview  Changes               Up Next Previous
LONG GpiQueryBitmapBits(hps, lScanStart, cScan, pbBuffer, pbmi)
HPS hps;             /* presentation-space handle               */
LONG lScanStart;     /* number for first scan line to retrieve  */
LONG cScan;          /* number of scan lines to retrieve        */
PBYTE pbBuffer;      /* address of buffer for bitmap image data */
PBITMAPINFO pbmi;    /* address of structure for bitmap info    */
The GpiQueryBitmapBits function copies image data from a bitmap to the
buffer pointed to by the pbBuffer parameter. The function copies the image
data from the bitmap currently set for the presentation space. The
presentation space must be associated with a memory device context.
To copy the image data, the function needs the count of planes and adjacent
color bits specified in the fields of the structure pointed to by the pbmi
parameter. That is, the cPlanes and cBitCount fields must be set before you
call the function. Also, the cbFix field must be set to 12. The function
then copies the image data to the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient
space to hold all the bytes of image data being copied. The number of bytes
for the buffer is equal to the number of scan lines to copy, multiplied by
the width of the bitmap in bytes (rounded up to the next multiple of 4),
multiplied by the number of color planes. The width has to be a multiple of
4, since the function rounds the length of each scan line to a multiple of 4
bytes before copying. Also, the width must be multiplied by the number of
adjacent color bits before rounding.
After copying the image data, the GpiQueryBitmapBits function fills the
remaining fields in the structure pointed to by pbmi. These fields are the
width and height of the bitmap and the array of RGB color values for the
bitmap pels. An application must make sure there is sufficient space in the
structure to receive all elements of the array of RGB color values. The
number of elements in the array depends on the format of the bitmap.
Parameter   Description
hps         Identifies the presentation space.
lScanStart  Specifies the number of the first scan line to copy to the
            buffer. If this parameter is zero, the function copies the first
            scan line in the bitmap.
cScan       Specifies the number of scan lines to copy.
pbBuffer    Points to the buffer that receives the bitmap image data. It
            must be large enough to hold all the bytes of the image data,
            from the scan line specified by the lScanStart parameter to the
            end of the bitmap.
pbmi        Points to the BITMAPINFO structure that receives the bitmap
            information table. Depending on the format of the given bitmap,
            an application may need to allocate extra bytes for the
            structure to hold the additional elements for the argbColor
Return Value
The return value is the number of scan lines retrieved if the function is
successful or BMB_ERROR if an error occurred.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
If the requested color format is not the same as the bitmap's color format,
the function converts the bitmap image data to the requested format.
For any scan line, the bits for the pixels are tightly packed, with the bits
for the first pixel stored in the most significant bits of the first byte.
If necessary, a scan line is padded at the end so that each scan line begins
on a 32-bit boundary.
This example uses GpiQueryBitmapBits to copy the image data of a bitmap from
a presentation space associated with a memory device context.
BITMAPINFOHEADER bmp = { 12, 640, 350, 1, 1 };
LONG cbBuffer, cbBitmapInfo;
SEL selBuffer, selBitmapInfo;
PBYTE pbBuffer;
 * Compute the size of the image-data buffer and the bitmap
 * information structure.
cbBuffer = (((bmp.cBitCount * + 31) / 32)
    * 4 * * bmp.cPlanes;
cbBitmapInfo = sizeof(BITMAPINFO) +
    (sizeof(RGB) * (1 << bmp.cBitCount));
 * Allocate memory for the image data-buffer and the bitmap
 * information structure.
DosAllocSeg(cbBuffer, &selBuffer, SEG_NONSHARED);
pbBuffer = MAKEP(selBuffer, 0);
DosAllocSeg(cbBitmapInfo, &selBitmapInfo, SEG_NONSHARED);
pbmi = MAKEP(selBitmapInfo, 0);
/* Copy the image data. */
pbmi->cbFix = 12;
pbmi->cPlanes = 1;
pbmi->cBitCount = 1;
GpiQueryBitmapBits(hps, 0L, (LONG), pbBuffer, pbmi);
See Also
GpiLoadBitmap, GpiQueryBitmapParameters, GpiSetBitmapBits, WinGetLastError,