gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
GpiQueryRegionRects (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
BOOL GpiQueryRegionRects(hps, hrgn, prclBound, prgnrc, arcl)
HPS hps;             /* presentation-space handle                    */
HRGN hrgn;           /* region handle                                */
PRECTL prclBound;    /* address of structure for enclosing rectangle */
PRGNRECT prgnrc;     /* address of structure controlling processing  */
PRECTL arcl;         /* address of array of rectangle structures     */
The GpiQueryRegionRects function retrieves the rectangles that define the
region identified by the hrgn parameter. The rectangles can be used to
recreate the region, by using the GpiCreateRegion function. The function
copies the coordinates of one or more of the defining rectangles to the
array of structures pointed to by the arcl parameter. It uses the rectangle
pointed to by the prclBound parameter to determine which rectangles to
retrieve. Only rectangles within this rectangle are retrieved. If the
prclBound parameter is NULL, the function retrieves all rectangles in the
The GpiQueryRegionRects function uses the fields of the RGNRECT structure
pointed to by the prgnrc parameter to control how the defining rectangles
are retrieved. Since a region may comprise several rectangles, the RGNRECT
structure lets an application retrieve a few rectangles at a time. The
structure specifies which rectangle to start with and how many to retrieve.
The function copies the actual number of rectangles retrieved to the
structure. Also, a field in this structure specifies the direction through
the region the function is to take as it retrieves rectangles.
The GpiQueryRegionRects function cannot be used if no device context is
associated with the presentation space.
Parameter  Description
hps        Identifies the presentation space.
hrgn       Identifies the region.
prclBound  Points to the RECTL structure that contains the enclosing
           rectangle. Only rectangles within this rectangle are retrieved.
prgnrc     Points to the RGNRECT structure that specifies how to retrieve
           the rectangles.
arcl       Points to the array of RECTL structures that receives the
           defining rectangles.
Return Value
The return value is GPI_OK if the function is successful or GPI_ERROR if an
error occurred.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
See Also
GpiCombineRegion, GpiCreateRegion, WinGetLastError, RECTL, RGNRECT