gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
GpiSavePS (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
LONG GpiSavePS(hps)
HPS hps;    /* presentation-space handle */
The GpiSavePS function saves the state of the presentation space on the
presentation-space (PS) stack. The PS stack is a last-in, first-out stack,
maintained by the system, on which an application can save one or more
presentation-space states. The function saves the state and returns a unique
identifier. The identifier can be used with the GpiRestorePS function to
restore the given state.
The GpiSavePS function saves the current position of the presentation space,
the viewing limits, all attributes, and transformation matrices. It also
saves the clip path, clip region, logical color table, and references to any
loaded logical fonts and the regions created on the associated device
context. It does not save the visible region. The function does not actually
copy resources such as logical fonts and regions to the PS stack. Instead,
it copies a reference to the resource. The application must ensure that the
resources are available when these references are restored.
Parameter  Description
hps        Identifies the presentation space. If it identifies a micro
           presentation space, the drawing mode must be DM_DRAW.
Return Value
The return value is an identifier of the saved presentation space if the
function is successful or GPI_ERROR if an error occurred. The identifier is
equal to the depth of the saved presentation space on the save/restore
stack, with 1 as the base level.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
The function can be used in an open segment, but only if the drawing mode is
DM_DRAW. It can also be used in an element bracket. When it occurs within an
open area or path bracket, then the corresponding call to the GpiRestorePS
function should take place before the bracket is closed. Although the
function can be used when creating a metafile, the drawing mode must be
DM_DRAW when replaying the metafile.
The PS stack is not the same as the attribute stack (that is, the stack used
to save attributes when the attribute mode is AM_PRESERVE).
See Also
GpiPop, GpiRestorePS, GpiSetDrawingMode