gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
GpiSetMarker (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
BOOL GpiSetMarker(hps, lSymbol)
HPS hps;         /* presentation-space handle */
LONG lSymbol;    /* marker symbol             */
The GpiSetMarker function sets the value of the marker attribute. The marker
attribute specifies the marker drawn by the GpiMarker function.
If the attribute mode is AM_PRESERVE, the function saves the previous marker
attribute on the attribute stack when it sets the new marker. The previous
marker attribute can be retrieved by using the GpiPop function.
Parameter  Description
hps        Identifies the presentation space.
lSymbol    Specifies the identity of the required marker symbol. Zero
           selects the default marker symbol; a value in the range 1 through
           255 identifies a symbol in the current marker set. If the default
           maker set is used, the parameter can be one of the following
           Value                   Meaning
           MARKSYM_CROSS           Cross
           MARKSYM_PLUS            Plus sign
           MARKSYM_DIAMOND         Diamond
           MARKSYM_SQUARE          Square
           MARKSYM_SIXPOINTSTAR    Six-pointed star
           MARKSYM_EIGHTPOINTSTAR  Eight-pointed star
           MARKSYM_SOLIDDIAMOND    Solid diamond
           MARKSYM_SOLIDSQUARE     Solid square
           MARKSYM_DOT             Dot
           MARKSYM_SMALLCIRCLE     Small circle
           MARKSYM_BLANK           Blank (nothing drawn)
Return Value
The return value is GPI_OK if the function is successful or GPI_ERROR if an
error occurred.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
See Also
GpiMarker, GpiPop, GpiQueryMarker