gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
GpiSetPel (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
LONG GpiSetPel(hps, pptl)
HPS hps;         /* presentation-space handle                */
PPOINTL pptl;    /* address of structure with point position */
The GpiSetPel function sets the pel at the specified position to the current
foreground color. The pel's position is expressed in world coordinates. If
the pel is not visible (that is, the point lies outside the clip area), the
color remains unchanged.
Parameter  Description
hps        Identifies the presentation space.
pptl       Points to a POINTL structure containing the position in world
Return Value
The return value is GPI_OK or GPI_HITS if the function is successful (it is
GPI_HITS if the detectable attribute is set for the presentation space and a
correlation hit occurs). The return value is GPI_ERROR if an error occurs.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
See Also
GpiQueryPel, GpiSetAttrs, GpiSetColor, GpiSetMix, POINTL