gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Line and arc functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
GpiFullArc               Creates a full arc
GpiLine                  Draws a line
GpiMove                  Moves current position to a specified point
GpiPartialArc            Draws a partial arc
GpiPointArc              Draws an arc through three points
GpiPolyFillet            Draws a curve
GpiPolyFilletSharp       Draws a fillet
GpiPolyLine              Draws straight lines
GpiPolySpline            Draws Bezier splines
GpiQueryArcParams        Retrieves the current arc parameters
GpiQueryCurrentPosition  Retrieves the current position
GpiQueryLineType         Retrieves the cosmetic line-type attribute
GpiQueryLineWidth        Retrieves cosmetic line-width attribute
GpiSetArcParams          Sets the current arc parameters
GpiSetCurrentPosition    Sets the current position
GpiSetLineType           Sets the line-type attribute
GpiSetLineWidth          Sets the cosmetic line-width attribute
GpiQueryLineEnd          Retrieves the line-end attribute
GpiQueryLineJoin         Retrieves the line-join attribute
GpiQueryLineWidthGeom    Retrieves the geometric line-width attribute
GpiQueryPatternRefPoint  Retrieves the pattern reference point
GpiSetLineEnd            Sets the line-end attribute
GpiSetLineJoin           Sets the line-join attribute
GpiSetLineWidthGeom      Sets the geometric line-width attribute