The Microsoft Input/Output Stream Classes (iostream.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──The Microsoft iostream Classes────────────────────────────────────────────
  virtual streampos seekpos( streampos pos,
                             int nMode = ios::in | ios::out );
  Parameter   Description
  <pos>       The new position value; streampos is a typedef equivalent to
  <nMode>     An integer that contains mode bits defined as ios
              enumerators that can be combined with the OR (|) operator.
              See ofstream::ofstream for a listing of the enumerators.
  Changes the position, relative to the beginning of the stream, for the
  streambuf object. Not all derived classes of streambuf need to support
  positioning; however, the filebuf, strstreambuf, and stdiobuf classes do
  support positioning.
  Classes derived from streambuf often support independent input and
  output position values. The <nMode> parameter determines which value(s)
  is set.
  Default Implementation
  Calls seekoff( (streamoff) <pos>, ios::beg, <nMode> ). Thus, to define
  seeking in a derived class, it is usually necessary to redefine only
  Return Value
  The new position value. If both ios::in and ios::out are specified, then
  the function returns the output position. If the derived class does not
  support positioning, then the function returns EOF.
  See Also