The Microsoft Input/Output Stream Classes (iostream.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
class streambuf
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──The Microsoft iostream Classes────────────────────────────────────────────
  All the iostream classes in the ios hierarchy depend on an attached
  streambuf class for the actual I/O processing. This class is an abstract
  class, but the iostream class library contains the following derived
  buffer classes for use with streams:
  filebuf        Buffered disk file I/O.
  strstreambuf   Stream data held entirely within an in-memory byte
  stdiobuf       Disk I/O with buffering done by the underlying standard
                   I/O system.
  All streambuf objects, when configured for buffered processing, maintain
  a fixed memory buffer, called a reserve area, that can be dynamically
  partitioned into a get area for input and a put area for output. These
  areas may or may not overlap. Protected member functions allow access
  and manipulation of a get pointer for character retrieval and a put
  pointer for character storage. The exact behavior of the buffers and
  pointers depends on the implementation of the derived class.
  The capabilities of the iostream classes can be extended significantly
  through the derivation of new streambuf classes. The ios class tree
  supplies the programming interface and all formatting features, but the
  streambuf class does the real work. The ios classes call the streambuf
  public members, including a set of virtual functions.
  The streambuf class provides a default implementation of certain virtual
  member functions. The "Default Implementation" section for each such
  function suggests function behavior for the derived class.
  #include <iostream.h>
  Public Members
  Character Input Functions
  in_avail    Returns the number of characters in the get area.
  sgetc       Returns the character at the get pointer, but does not
                move the pointer.
  snextc      Advances the get pointer, then returns the next
  sbumpc      Returns the current character, and then advances the get
  stossc      Moves the get pointer forward one position, but does not
                return a character.
  sputbackc   Attempts to move the get pointer back one position.
  sgetn       Gets a sequence of characters from the streambuf object's
  Character Output Functions
  out_waiting   Returns the number of characters in the put area.
  sputc         Stores a character in the put area and advances the put
  sputn         Stores a sequence of characters in the streambuf
                  object's buffer and advances the put pointer.
  Diagnostic Functions
  dbp   Prints buffer statistics and pointer values.
  Virtual Functions
  sync        Empties the get area and the put area.
  setbuf      Attempts to attach a reserve area to the streambuf
  seekoff     Seeks to a specified offset.
  seekpos     Seeks to a specified position.
  overflow    Empties the put area.
  underflow   Fills the get area if necessary.
  pbackfail   Augments the sputbackc function.
  Protected Members
  streambuf   Constructors for use in derived classes.
  ~streambuf   Virtual destructor.
  Other Protected Member Functions
  base         Returns a pointer to the start of the reserve area.
  ebuf         Returns a pointer to the end of the reserve area.
  blen         Returns the size of the reserve area.
  pbase        Returns a pointer to the start of the put area.
  pptr         Returns the put pointer.
  epptr        Returns a pointer to the end of the put area.
  eback        Returns the lower bound of the get area.
  gptr         Returns the get pointer.
  egptr        Returns a pointer to the end of the get area.
  setp         Sets all the put area pointers.
  setg         Sets all the get area pointers.
  pbump        Increments the put pointer.
  gbump        Increments the get pointer.
  setb         Sets up the reserve area.
  unbuffered   Tests or sets the streambuf buffer state variable.
  allocate     Allocates a buffer, if needed, by calling doalloc.
  doallocate   Allocates a reserve area (virtual function).