Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  void Write( const void FAR* lpBuf, UINT nMax )
  throw( CFileException );
  Parameter   Description
  <lpBuf>     A pointer to a user-supplied buffer that contains the data
              to be written to the archive.
  <nMax>      An integer that specifies the number of bytes to be written
              to the archive.
  Writes a specified number of bytes to the archive. The archive does not
  format the bytes.
  You can use the Write member function within your Serialize function to
  write ordinary structures that are contained in your objects.
  extern CArchive ar;
  char pb[100];
  ar.Write( pb, 100 );
  See Also