Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Class List
Class Hierarchy                             Up Contents Index Back
──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  Windows Application Class
  CWinApp   Main windows application class
  Window Classes
  CWnd           Base class for all windows
  CFrameWnd      Main window base class for the SDI (Single Document
                   Interface) desktop window
  CMDIFrameWnd   Base class for the MDI (Multiple Document Interface)
                   desktop window
  CMDIChildWnd   Base class for MDI child windows
  CDialog        Base class for modeless dialog windows
  CModalDialog   Base class for modal dialog windows
  CButton        Button control windows
  CComboBox      Combo box control windows
  CEdit          Edit control windows
  CListBox       List box control windows
  CScrollBar     Scroll bar control windows
  CStatic        Static control windows
  GDI (Graphical Device Interface) Classes
  CDC           Base class for display contexts
  CClientDC     Display contexts for client areas of windows
  CMetaFileDC   Metafile device contexts
  CPaintDC      Display contexts used in OnPaint member functions
  CWindowDC     Display contexts for entire windows
  CGdiObject    Base class for GDI drawing tools
  CBitmap       GDI physical bitmaps
  CBrush        GDI physical brushes
  CFont         GDI physical fonts
  CPalette      GDI physical palettes
  CPen          GDI physical pens
  CRgn          GDI physical regions
  Other Windows Classes
  CMenu    Menu structures
  CPoint   (X, Y) points in a device context
  CSize    Relative positions or coordinate pairs
  CRect    Rectangular regions in a device context
  OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) Classes
  OLE Classes   Object Linking and Embedding Classes
  Run-Time Object Model Class
  CObject   Root class in the Foundation class hierarchy
  File Classes
  CFile        Binary disk files
  CMemFile     In-memory files
  CStdioFile   Buffered stream disk files, usually text mode
  Object Input/Output
  CArchive       Persistent storage for objects
  CDumpContext   Destinations for diagnostic output
  CException               Abstract base class for exceptions
  CArchiveException        Archive-specific exceptions
  CFileException           File-specific exceptions
  CMemoryException         Out of memory exceptions
  CNotSupportedException   Function not supported exceptions
  CResourceException       Windows resource not found exceptions
  CByteArray           Arrays of bytes
  CDWordArray          Arrays of 32-bit double-words
  CObArray             Arrays of CObject pointers
  CPtrArray            Arrays of void pointers
  CStringArray         Arrays of strings
  CWordArray           Arrays of 16-bit words
  CObList              Lists of CObject pointers
  CPtrList             Lists of void pointers
  CStringList          List of strings
  CMapPtrToWord        Mappings of void pointers to 16-bit words
  CMapPtrToPtr         Mappings of void pointers to void pointers
  CMapStringToOb       Mappings of strings to CObject pointers
  CMapStringToPtr      Mappings of void pointers to CObject pointers
  CMapStringToString   Mappings of strings to strings
  CMapWordToOb         Mappings of 16-bit words to CObject pointers
  CMapWordToPtr        Mappings of 16-bit words to void pointers
  Miscellaneous Support Classes
  CString     Character strings
  CTime       Absolute time and date values
  CTimeSpan   Relative time and date values
  Global Functions and Macros
  All Macros and Global Functions   Alphabetical listing of all macros
                                      and global functions
  Diagnostic Services               Global memory diagnostic functions
                                      and macros (Debug only)
  Exception Processing              Global exception throwing and
                                      catching functions and macros
  Message-Map Reference             List of all CWnd message map entries
                                      with message-handler function