Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
class CFrameWnd
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  The CFrameWnd class provides the functionality of a Windows (SDI)
  overlapped or pop-up frame window.
  To create a useful frame window for your application, derive a class
  from CFrameWnd. Add member variables to the derived class to store data
  specific to your application. Implement message-handler member functions
  and a message map in the derived class to specify what happens when
  messages are directed to the window.
  You create a frame window in two steps. First, call the constructor
  CFrameWnd to construct the CFrameWnd object, then call the Create
  member function to create the frame window and attach it to the
  CFrameWnd object.
  Construction can be a one-step process in a derived class. Write a
  constructor for the derived class and call Create from  within the
  When the user terminates your frame window, destroy the CFrameWnd object
  or call the DestroyWindow member function, which CFrameWnd inherits from
  class CWnd, to remove the window and destroy its data structures. If you
  allocate any memory in the CFrameWnd object, override the CFrameWnd
  destructor to dispose of the allocations.
  See Also
  CWnd, CMDIFrameWnd, CMDIChildWnd
  Public Members
  Data Members
  rectDefault   Pass this static CRect as a parameter when creating a
                  CFrameWnd object to allow Windows to choose the window's
                  size and position.
  CFrameWnd   Constructs a CFrameWnd object.
  ~CFrameWnd   Destroys a CFrameWnd object and the frame window, frees
                the accelerator table, and posts an application quit
  Create           Creates and initializes the Windows frame window
                     associated with the CFrameWnd object.
  LoadAccelTable   Loads an accelerator table.
  GetChildFrame    An overridable member function that simply returns
                     this. A derived class should provide this function
                     for access to the active child.
  GetParentFrame   An overridable member function that simply returns
                     this. A derived class should provide this function
                     for access to the parent frame.
  Protected Members
  Data Members
  m_hAccelTable   Contains the command accelerator table for this frame