Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
class CScrollBar
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  The CScrollBar class provides the functionality of a Windows scroll-bar
  You create a scroll-bar control in two steps. First, call the
  constructor CScrollBar to construct the CScrollBar object, then call the
  Create member function to create the scroll-bar control and attach it
  to the CScrollBar object.
  If you create a CScrollBar object within a dialog box (through a dialog
  resource), the CScrollBar is automatically destroyed when the user
  closes the dialog box.
  If you create a CScrollBar object within a window, you may also need to
  destroy it. If you create the CScrollBar object on the stack, it is
  destroyed automatically. If you create the CScrollBar object on the heap
  by using the new function, you must call delete on the object to destroy
  it when the user terminates the Windows scroll bar.
  If you allocate any memory in the CScrollBar object, override the
  CScrollBar destructor to dispose of the allocations.
  See Also
  CWnd, CButton, CComboBox, CEdit, CListBox, CStatic,
  CModalDialog, CDialog
  Public Members
  CScrollBar   Constructs a CScrollBar object.
  Create   Creates the Windows scroll bar and attaches it to the
             CScrollBar object.
  GetScrollPos     Retrieves the current position of a scroll box.
  SetScrollPos     Sets the current position of a scroll box.
  GetScrollRange   Retrieves the current minimum and maximum scroll-bar
                     positions for the given scroll bar.
  SetScrollRange   Sets minimum and maximum position values for the
                     given scroll bar.
  Windows 3.1 Functions
  ShowScrollBar     Shows or hides a scroll bar.
  EnableScrollBar   Enables or disables one or both arrows of a scroll