Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
CGdiObject                                  Up Contents Index Back
──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  BOOL CreateStockObject( int nIndex );
  Parameter   Description
  <nIndex>    A constant specifying the type of stock object desired. It
              can be one of the following values:
              Value                 Meaning
              BLACK_BRUSH           Black brush.
              DKGRAY_BRUSH          Dark gray brush.
              GRAY_BRUSH            Gray brush.
              HOLLOW_BRUSH          Hollow brush.
              LTGRAY_BRUSH          Light gray brush.
              NULL_BRUSH            Null brush.
              WHITE_BRUSH           White brush.
              BLACK_PEN             Black pen.
              NULL_PEN              Null pen.
              WHITE_PEN             White pen.
              ANSI_FIXED_FONT       ANSI fixed system font.
              ANSI_VAR_FONT         ANSI variable system font.
              DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT   Device-dependent font.
              OEM_FIXED_FONT        OEM-dependent fixed font.
              SYSTEM_FONT           The system font. By default, Windows
                                    uses the system font to draw menus,
                                    dialog-box controls, and other text.
                                    In Windows versions 3.0 and later, the
                                    system font is proportional width;
                                    earlier versions of Windows use a
                                    fixed-width system font.
              SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT     The fixed-width system font used in
                                    Windows prior to version 3.0. This
                                    object is available for compatibility
                                    with earlier versions of Windows.
              DEFAULT_PALETTE       Default color palette. This palette
                                    consists of the 20 static colors in
                                    the system palette.
  Retrieves a handle to one of the predefined stock Windows GDI pens,
  brushes, or fonts, and attaches the GDI object to the CGDIObject object.
  Call this function with one of the derived classes that corresponds to
  the Windows GDI object type, such as CPen for a stock pen.
  Return Value
  Returns TRUE if the function is successful; otherwise FALSE.
  See Also
  CPen::CPen, CBrush::CBrush, CFont::CFont, CPalette::CPalette