Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  int DlgDirList( const char FAR* lpPathSpec, int nIDListBox,
                  int nIDStaticPath, UINT nFileType );
  Parameter       Description
  <lpPathSpec>    Points to a path string, must be a CString or a
                  null-terminated character string.
  <nIDListBox>    Specifies the identifier of a list box control. If
                  <nIDListBox> is 0, DlgDirList assumes that no list box
                  exists and does not attempt to fill one.
  <nIDStaticPath> Specifies the identifier of the static-text control used
                  for displaying the current drive and directory. If
                  <nIDStaticPath> is 0, DlgDirList assumes that no such
                  text control is present.
  <nFileType>     Specifies the attributes of the files to be displayed.
                  It can be any combination of the following values:
                  Value    Meaning
                  0x0000   Read/write data files with no additional
                  0x0001   Read-only files.
                  0x0002   Hidden files.
                  0x0004   System files.
                  0x0010   Subdirectories.
                  0x0020   Archives.
                  0x2000   LB_DIR flag. If the LB_DIR flag is set, Windows
                           places the messages generated by DlgDirList in
                           the application's queue; otherwise they are
                           sent directly to the dialog function.
                  0x4000   Drives.
                  0x8000   Exclusive bit. If the exclusive bit is set,
                           only files of the specified type are listed.
                           Otherwise, files of the specified type are
                           listed in addition to normal files.
  Fills a list box control with a file or directory listing. It fills the
  list box specified by <nIDListBox> with the names of all files matching
  the path given by <lpPathSpec>.
  The DlgDirList member function shows subdirectories enclosed in square
  brackets ([ ]), and shows drives in the form [-<x>-], where <x> is the
  drive letter.
  The <lpPathSpec> parameter has the following form:
  [drive:] [ [\u]directory[\idirectory]...\u] [filename]
  In this example, <drive> is a drive letter, <directory> is a valid
  directory name, and <filename> is a valid filename that must contain at
  least one wildcard character. The wildcard characters are a question
  mark (?), meaning match any character, and an asterisk (*), meaning
  match any number of characters.
  If you specify a zero-length string for <lpPathSpec> or if you specify
  only a directory name but do not include any file specification, the
  string will be changed to "*.*".
  If <lpPathSpec> includes a drive and/or directory name, the current
  drive and directory are changed to the designated drive and directory
  before the list box is filled. The text control identified by
  <nIDStaticPath> is also updated with the new drive and/or directory
  After the list box is filled, <lpPathSpec> is updated by removing the
  drive and/or directory portion of the path.
  DlgDirList sends LB_RESETCONTENT and LB_DIR messages to the list
  Return Value
  Specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if a listing was
  made, even an empty listing. A 0 return value implies that the input
  string did not contain a valid search path.
  See Also
  CWnd::DlgDirListComboBox, ::DlgDirList