Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  void GotoDlgCtrl( CWnd* pWndCtrl );
  Parameter   Description
  <pWndCtrl>  Identifies the window (control) that is to receive the
  Moves the focus to the specified control in the dialog.
  To get a pointer to the control (child window) to pass as <pWndCtrl>,
  call the CWnd::GetDlgItem member function, which returns the pointer as
  a pointer to a CWnd object. This pointer can then be cast to its
  specific type. GetDlgItem is inherited from class CWnd.
  See Also
  CWnd::GetDlgItem, CDialog::PrevDlgCtrl, CDialog::NextDlgCtrl