Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Input Message Handlers
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  The following message handlers require an entry in a message map.
  OnChar            Called when a keystroke translates to a nonsystem
  OnDeadChar        Called when a keystroke translates to a nonsystem
                      dead character (such as accent characters).
  OnHScroll         Called when the user clicks the horizontal scroll
                      bar of CWnd.
  OnKeyDown         Called when a nonsystem key is pressed. A nonsystem
                      key is a keyboard key that is pressed when the ALT
                      key is not pressed, or a keyboard key that is
                      pressed when CWnd has the input focus.
  OnKeyUp           Called when a nonsystem key is released. A nonsystem
                      key is a keyboard key that is pressed when the ALT
                      key is not pressed, or a keyboard key that is
                      pressed when CWnd has the input focus.
  OnLButtonDblClk   Called when the user double-clicks the left mouse
  OnLButtonDown     Called when the user presses the left mouse button.
  OnLButtonUp       Called when the user releases the left mouse
  OnMButtonDblClk   Called when the user double-clicks the middle mouse
  OnMButtonDown     Called when the user presses the middle mouse
  OnMButtonUp       Called when the user releases the middle mouse
  OnMouseActivate   Called when the cursor is in an inactive window and
                      the user presses a mouse button.
  OnMouseMove       Called when the mouse cursor moves.
  OnRButtonDblClk   Called when the user double-clicks the right mouse
  OnRButtonDown     Called when the user presses the right mouse
  OnRButtonUp       Called when the user releases the right mouse
  OnSetCursor       Called if mouse input is not captured and the mouse
                      causes cursor movement within a window.
  OnTimer           Called after each interval specified in SetTimer.
  OnVScroll         Called when the user clicks the window's vertical
                      scroll bar.