Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  BOOL InsertMenu( UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem = 0,
                   const char FAR* lpNewItem = NULL );
  BOOL InsertMenu( UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem,
                   const CBitmap* pBmp );
  Parameter    Description
  <nPosition>  Specifies the menu item before which the new menu item is
               to be inserted. The interpretation of <nPosition> depends
               on the setting of <nFlags>, as shown in the following
               nFlags          Interpretation of <nPosition>
               MF_BYCOMMAND    Specifies that the parameter gives the
                               command ID of the existing menu item. This
                               is the default if neither MF_BYCOMMAND nor
                               MF_BYPOSITION is set.
               MF_BYPOSITION   Specifies that the parameter gives the
                               position of the existing menu item (the
                               first item is at position 0).
                               If <nPosition> is -1, the new menu item is
                               appended to the end of the menu.
  <nFlags>     Specifies how <nPosition> is interpreted and information
               about the state of the new menu item when it is added to
               the menu. For a list of the flags that may be set, see the
               AppendMenu member function. To specify more than one
               value, use the bitwise-OR operator to combine them with the
               MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_BYPOSITION flag.
  <nIDNewItem> Specifies either the command ID of the new menu item or, if
               <nFlags> is set to MF_POPUP, the menu handle (HMENU) of the
               pop-up menu. <nIDNewItem> is ignored (not needed) if
               <nFlags> is set to MF_SEPARATOR.
  <lpNewItem>  Specifies the content of the new menu item. The
               interpretation of <lpNewItem> depends on the setting of
               <nFlags> as shown below:
               nFlags         Interpretation of <lpNewItem>
               MF_OWNERDRAW   Contains an application-supplied 32-bit
                              value that the application can use to
                              maintain additional data associated with the
                              menu item. This 32-bit value is available to
                              the application when it processes
                              WM_MEASUREITEM and WM_DRAWITEM
               MF_STRING      Contains a long pointer to a null-terminated
                              string. This is the default interpretation.
               The <lpNewItem> parameter is ignored (not needed) if
               <nFlags> is set to MF_SEPARATOR.
  <pBmp>       Points to a CBitmap object that will be used as the menu
  Inserts a new menu item at the position specified by <nPosition> and
  moves other items down the menu. The application can specify the state
  of the menu item by setting values in <nFlags>.
  Whenever a menu that resides in a window is changed (whether or not the
  window is displayed), the application should call CWnd::DrawMenuBar.
  When <nIDNewItem> specifies a pop-up menu, it becomes part of the menu
  in which it is inserted. If that menu is destroyed, the inserted menu
  will also be destroyed. An inserted menu should be detached from a CMenu
  object to avoid conflict.
  Return Value
  TRUE if the function is successful; otherwise FALSE.
  See Also
  CMenu::AppendMenu, CWnd::DrawMenuBar, CMenu::SetMenuItemBitmaps,
  CMenu::Detach, CMenu::~CMenu, ::InsertMenu