Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  int IntersectClipRect( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 );
  int IntersectClipRect( LPRECT lpRect );
  Parameter   Description
  <x1>        Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner
              of the rectangle.
  <y1>        Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner
              of the rectangle.
  <x2>        Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the lower-right corner
              of the rectangle.
  <y2>        Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the lower-right corner
              of the rectangle.
  <lpRect>    Specifies the rectangle. You can pass either a CRect
              object or a pointer to a RECT structure for this
  Creates a new clipping region by forming the intersection of the current
  region and the rectangle specified by <x1>, <y1>, <x2>, and <y2>. GDI
  clips all subsequent output to fit within the new boundary.
  Return Value
  The new clipping region's type. It can be any one of the following
  Value           Meaning
  COMPLEXREGION   New clipping region has overlapping borders.
  ERROR           Device context is not valid.
  NULLREGION      New clipping region is empty.
  SIMPLEREGION    New clipping region has no overlapping borders.
  See Also
  ::IntersectClipRect, CRect