Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  afx_msg void OnActivateApp( BOOL  bActive, HANDLE  hTask );
  Parameter   Description
  <bActive>   Specifies whether the CWnd is being activated or
              deactivated. TRUE means the CWnd is being activated. FALSE
              means the CWnd is being deactivated.
  <hTask>     Specifies a task handle. If <bActive> is TRUE, the handle
              identifies the task that owns the CWnd being deactivated. If
              <bActive> is FALSE, the handle identifies the task that owns
              the CWnd being activated.
  Called when CWnd is about to be activated and CWnd belongs to a
  different task than the currently active window. OnActivateApp is called
  for all top-level windows of the task being activated, and for all
  top-level windows of the task being deactivated.
  This message-handler member function calls the Default member
  function. Override this member function in your derived class to handle
  the WM_ACTIVATEAPP message.
  See Also